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  1. How to Renew Your Energy: Balancing Beyond the Five Senses with Rest

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: December 16, 2019 Do your eyes, like mine, get bigger than your stomach at holiday feasts? When we bombard the senses with so much pleasure, it can result in overeating and imbalances in our health. But at some point we must ...
  2. How to Be Positive: 7 Ways to Stop Mental Clutter and Clear Your Mind

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: November 18, 2019 What is the human mind? There was a time in the past when I thought of the human mind as equivalent to the human brain. But I’ve learned that the brain is only a physical organ governing the body’s systems v ...
  3. The First Rule of Meditation That'll Help You Meditate Like an Expert

    By Sejal Shah | Updated on: September 08, 2021 This one simple rule for daily meditation will have you slipping into bliss every time you hit the mat. Learn the secret to easy meditation now! Is meditation as simple as it sounds? The answer is YES.  Medit ...
  4. Bhanu Narasimhan on Invoking The Power of She With Yoga and Meditation

    By Sejal Shah | Posted: October 29, 2019 Women make up 80% of professionals in the nonprofit sector, 81% of public school teachers, and 94% of nurses in the United States. On March 8th, the world celebrates the economic, political, and social achievements ...
  5. Trying to Be Happy: 4 Ideas on Incubating Joy for Mind and Body

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: October 16, 2019 What happens when you tell yourself what to think? Does your mind cooperate and follow your own instructions? Try this exercise: There’s a big pink elephant floating in the room. Stop thinking about it. Don’t ...
  6. 7 Eye-Opening Ways Meditation Can Help Your Personality Development

    By Sejal Shah | Updated on: September 08, 2021 The benefits of meditation are many: here are 7 ways your personality development thrives when you begin to meditate. The term personality comes from the Latin word “persona”, and originally referred to a the ...
  7. The Purpose of Rest in Meditation: Connecting to the Divine Feminine

    By Alana Fairchild | Posted: October 03, 2019 It’s fairly easy to notice when your meditation practice- whatever it may look like- is working for you. This is because meditation tends to yield swift results. Those results certainly accumulate over time, b ...
  8. Can’t Sit Still? Here’s How Moving Meditation Can Help You Find Your Bliss

    By Alana Fairchild | Posted: October 01, 2019 Recently I was asked a question that I suspect rests unspoken in the hearts of many a newbie to meditation. I was facilitating a gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah. A participant raised her hand and bravely exp ...
  9. How to Have Patience: 3 Ways to Accept Your Limits and Be Steady

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: September 28, 2019 Acceptance and trusting in the universe can create happiness even in the face of misfortune. Whether in relationships, professional life, health, or any other area, you can move on to other things if you st ...
  10. Wake Up Easier: Top 10 Tips to Start Your Day Fresh

    Why am I always tired in the morning? Do you find yourself waking up in the morning with low energy? Are you stressed out by the thoughts of your to-do list as soon as you wake up? Do you hit the snooze button on the alarm clock rather than wake up? Do yo ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More