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  1. 5 Things You Should Know About Meditation and Heart Health

    By Eloise Ducker Heart health and meditation go hand in hand, learn about scientifically validated benefits you should know.  You have a beating heart inside of you. Perhaps you can even feel it.  It is about the size of your fist, and beats around 100,00 ...
  2. Sleep Restfully All Night Using this Meditation Sleep Guide

    There may be many reasons why you are reading this article. Chances are that you are struggling with sleep issues. Maybe you find it hard to fall asleep or you are not satisfied with the quality of your sleep or you are sleep-deprived. Or maybe you are lo ...
  3. Meditation Classes on an Up Trend: Pick the Best to Find Your Zen Now

    By Denise Everheart | Posted: August 12, 2020 With this year being one of tremendous stressors- learning to deal with shutdowns, challenging living situations, financial considerations, as well as racial and political tensions increasing, we can all use a ...
  4. The SKY Breath Meditation Method for Depression & Anxiety

    Topics covered: SKY Breath Meditation for depression and anxiety Factors in responding to depression care The uniform rapid response from SKY Prioritize your mental wellness with The Art of Living  Did you know that approximately 5% of adults suffer from ...
  5. Can Breath Meditation Help Your Personality Development? Yes, It Can.

    By Sejal Shah and Denise Everheart | Posted: August 05, 2020 Celebrate your uniqueness: here is how you can use SKY Breath Meditation for your personality development. This is such an insightful and empowering quote. If we can take some time to contemplat ...
  6. Top Experts Share Pros and Cons of Meditation With Music: Learn Now

    By Sejal Shah | Updated on: September 07, 2021 Top meditation experts weigh in the pros and cons of meditation with music. Also find some great meditation music and guided meditation.  The idea of meditation with music has been circulating amongst the med ...
  7. Can’t Sleep? Meditation and Ujjayi Breathing Can Help You

    By Sejal Shah Difficulty falling asleep and having sleepless nights? Try this Ujjayi breathing (video included) and meditation to enjoy a deep and restful sleep. Are you finding it difficult to sleep on time at night? You are not alone. The Center For Dis ...
  8. The Global Silent Retreat: Renew Your Body, Mind, And Spirit In 5 Days

    By Sejal Shah The global silent retreat is a profound spiritual immersion. Explore the science of silence and mass meditation. Give yourself a much-needed break! Meditation, simply put, is mental hygiene— a practice of clearing out the daily mental garbag ...
  9. The Early Bird Catches a Morning Meditation for a Productive Day

    By Denise Everheart | Posted: June 18, 2020 How we start our day matters. One wrong foot on the wrong side of the bed and the whole day can lead to one faux pas after another. Starting the day right, at the right time, and in the right manner sets one up ...
  10. Feeling Insecure? You Can Use These 6 Anxiety Tips for Your Fears

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: May 22, 2020 The world has been changing rapidly since the pandemic of COVID-19 began. When rapid changes happen in our lives, responses of fear and insecurity often result. Anxiety can happen along with bouts of depression, ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More