We are living in confusing times. The world is changing, and we are facing major challenges that significantly affect our daily lives. Many people are experiencing feelings of uncertainty, hopelessness, and despair. We are searching in vain for new energy and insights to help us cope and lead joyful lives.

We tend to look for solutions outside of ourselves, often overlooking the great power that lies deep within us. The vital energy that we all possess, but do not know how to mobilize. Meditation and breathing are the gateways to these inner abilities that every human being possesses.

On April 5th, Diederik van Vleuten will discuss these important topics and more with Rajshree Patel at the Amstelkerk in Amsterdam. Rajshree is the female face of the humanitarian movement Art of Living, founded by spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. She has been traveling the world for years, passing on the healing power of meditation and breathing through courses, lectures, and workshops. She is known for her insight, compassion, and humor.

There is every reason to engage in a conversation with this remarkable woman and her urgent message of inner peace!









"Rajshree Patel is one of the most influential spiritual teachers of our time."

- Happinez Magazine



5th April | 19.30-21 hs

Amstelkerk, Amstelveld 10, Amsterdam

Regular fee €15
Subscribers €7,5



The conference will be in English with no translation to Dutch

About Rajshree Patel

She is a mind and meditation expert, consciousness coach, speaker, and author of "The Secret of Vitality." She has taught hundreds of thousands of people to use the power of meditation, mindfulness, breathing, and ancient techniques to find their inner source of energy, creativity, and fulfillment.

Rajshree has guided political leaders, Oscar-winning filmmakers, Fortune 500 company directors, and individuals from every walk of life in understanding how the mind works, becoming more resilient, and finding more fulfillment in their professional and personal lives.


Meet her in Amsterdam

About Diederik van Vleuten

Diederik van Vleuten (1961) is a Dutch theatre writer and performer, documentary maker and presenter. He is known for his performances in which he connects small family histories with major historical events in a compelling and humorous way. For the significance of his theatre work, he received the prestigious Prize of Criticism. He also has a keen interest in spirituality. In 2017, he took his first course with Rajshree Patel. He is part of the Advisory Board of Art of Living Netherlands.


Join him in Amsterdam


Art of Breathing
with Rajshree Patel


If you change your breath, you can change your life. Because conscious breathing influences your emotions, thoughts and attitude to life. The right breathing is a source of inner peace. Or as Rajshree puts it herself: "By breathing consciously you come to the silence within yourself."

In this 3 days, 3 hours per day course you will learn the SKY breathing technique together with more tools and practical knowledge to unleash your potential

Art of Breathing

Art of Meditation
with Rajshree Patel


Meditation is a natural state beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming. It taps into an unlimited reservoir of energy, intelligence, creative power and takes you to a place of infinite peace and joy. In Sankrit, 'Sahaj''means effortlessness.

In The Art of Meditation 3 day course with Rajshree you will learn the Sahaj Samadhi, an ancient effortless meditation technique. The origins lie in the thousands of years old Vedic tradition and it is completely relevant in modern times

Art of Meditation