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  1. In a practical and immediate way, what can we do to combat terrorism? Can people say special mantras or prayers to help erase the horrible violence?

    We need to bring unity in diversity. Terrorism is just lack a of education in spirituality. the root cause is that and it has to be nipped at the bud. Schools and colleges should have a broad spectrum of knowledge. Every child should know a little bit a ...
  2. Should social organizations be a part of politics? Will it not weaken its own strength?

    There is a table with four legs. Even if one leg gets broken, then the table still remains upright by the support of the other three legs, isn't it?In the same way, in society, if politics (or any other aspect of society) becomes corrupted and l ...
  3. Gurudev, I read recently that in India a new political party has come up that is against corruption and VIP culture, etc., in Delhi. I sometimes see this VIP culture in The Art of Living. Gurudev, do you encourage VIP culture?

    Absolutely not. There is no VIP culture, but does that mean everybody gets to do the same thing? No! They should play their roles properly.VIP culture is a preferential treatment that went on in Delhi. I even tell them in our satsangs that we should ...
  4. Gurudev, our leaders have advised girls and ladies to carry pepper sprays and chilli powder to keep themselves safe. Will the girls be safe by keeping chilli powder or by learning Karate? Isn't the government’s responsibility to provide safety. What can girls do for their safety?

    First believe that you are safe. If you move about in fear and believe that everywhere or every person you meet is wrong, then you will be trapped in this fear like some sort of disease. There are many good and noble people in our society even today. ...
  5. Why are the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer? How is God taking care of poor people when they are struggling to get a full square meal?

    My observation about poor people is that they are poor not because God has punished them to be poor; it is liquor that has kept people poor. A laborer earns almost the same as the average white collared job person in the city, but he spends ...
  6. Gurudev, the UN recognizes happiness as the basic birthright of every human being. How do we move forward to be a happier country on the occasion of 26th January (Republic day of India)?

    This question first has to come in every citizen of this country: How can we find happiness in our self, and how we can see that happiness increases in our society. So, first that thought should germinate in every mind, and then action will follow s ...
  7. I want to get married to a Christian guy. Is it necessary for me to get converted into Christianity?

    You should ask that to the guy and his family. I think you should keep your own faith. Whatever is your own faith, stick to it. I don't think you should compromise on that. You should keep to your faith because that is healthy in many ways&ndas ...
  8. Could you advise on what is the best way of going into meditation. And is there any kind of special music which can enable you to access that space better? (Ritu Kumar: Fashion designer from India (Recipient of the Padmashree in 2013))

    Meditation is very simple, and it just takes a couple of days to learn. Once you learn it then you can do it on your own. Then you can do it anytime and anywhere you want. But only before meals, okay! What happens during meditation is our metabolism slo ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More