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  1. How relevant is culture today, considering life is so different from before?

    You can never generalize these things. There are all types of situations, all types of people, all types of cultures in the world. People cannot live without culture. Culture may change but you cannot live in a society without a culture. If some society ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, how do I forgive my brother for all the nasty things that he has done to me and my family?

    Well, your brother was never educated in human values. It is not his fault. He was never shown that beautiful space that lies deep within him. Nobody guided his spirit, nobody guided his emotions, nobody taught him how to get rid of greed, anger, jealou ...
  3. How to achieve universal peace?

    See, universal peace starts with individual peace. If individuals are peaceful, families are peaceful, societies are peaceful, it all will contribute towards universal peace.Quantum physics has completely removed this last straw of doubt from the ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, how do we find our mission in life?

    The mission in your life is to leave a better world behind than what you inherited. Don’t you want to leave a better world for the coming generations than what you inherited? Look back and see, how the world was ten years ago, or fif ...
  5. Today, in society, money speaks. Those who have money, are given a lot of respect. Those who don't have money are not treated well.

    Yes, that is true. Today those who are wealthy are given a lot of respect everywhere, whereas the poor and middle class people do not get that much respect and consideration. Many times it seems that people stick to the 'Might is Right' principle wh ...
  6. Dear Gurudev, it pains me a lot to ask this question to you. How can we eliminate the problem of casteism from our society?

    Just look back in history at all the things that used to happen in the name of caste in our country and compare it with the situation that you see today. You will realize that the evils and problems that arose due to casteism have greatly reduced since ...
  7. Gurudev, how do we stay self-motivated?

    Why do you have to motivate yourself? Just relax and be happy. When you are happy, you are already motivated. If others get happy because of you, do you become happy or not? You become happy right away! What more motivation do you need? Now, if y ...
  8. I have seen you saying that we need more help from people and the Government. I know we need to do seva but how exactly do we go about it? Please guide.

    Yes, bringing change in society is a collective effort. So I said that everybody should participate. Don’t say, 'Gurudev, you do it. You take care of terrorists, you change them'. No! It is a collective effort. Each one of us has to ...
  9. Why do people say words like, 'My Gurudev' or, 'My Master'? It is like saying, 'My Sun', or 'My Moon'.

    Don't log on to their words, it is a feeling. Language always has ‘My’ and ‘I’, you cannot speak without these words. Even if you speak without them, it doesn't make much sense. It doesn’t imply anything much bigger ...
  10. Dearest Gurudev, people are enjoying less personal freedom. The Government and the cooperation are taking over our lives more and more. What can the regular average people do?

    Rules and regulations are essential in any society, but it should not be too stifling. Individual and private life should also not be too stifling.When you feel life is getting boring and coming to a standstill, that is when you should engage in act ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More