Welcome Address by Chairperson

Dear friends,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all on this beautiful day on the third IWC.

This conference stands tall with members from 70 countries across 7 continents- from punchayat leaders to members of parliament, medical students to neuro surgens to ayurveda experts, from scientists to stars and media experts. I’m touched that inspite of the current economic situation, so many of you have come here honouring the commitment towards uplifting the society, this itself is a sign of true leadership.

Leader ship can be motivational or inspirational. Motivation comes from an external source and lasts only for a short while bur inspiration comes from within. You would’ve all seen the golden lotus symbol everywhere. A lotus shines with beauty and brilliance though it blossoms in muddy waters. True leader also shines and inspires leadership around them, in spite of all the challenges.

In these coming 3 days, let us look into ourselves, find the source of inspiration from with in, for me my mother is my inspiration, she was a symbol of strength and love. This combination is really the stepping stone for blossoming in life. Let us extend this sensitivity and care of a mother, that is naturally in us to the society and really bring a positive change on this planet.

Leadership is a choice and not a position. A leader is free, effective, compassionate, and takes responsibility for transformation. So many of us are gathered here today with this same purpose. I encourage you all to share your experiences during the sessions and outside as well.

Let us be the torch bearers and carry forword this light of inspiration, light of love nd compassion, light of wisdom, light of of leadership with great honour , commitment, and a sense of belongingness. Here, I’d like to add being the sister of H.H. I have this light of inspiration, love , peace, compassion and wisdom, guiding me in every step of my life and it is my pleasure to share it with all of you.
Once again a warm welcome to you all to your own home!! These three days let us enjoy and also be a joy to the world.

Dear friends,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all on this beautiful day on the third IWC.

This conference stands tall with members from 70 countries across 7 continents- from punchayat leaders to members of parliament, medical students to neuro surgens to ayurveda experts, from scientists to stars and media experts. I’m touched that inspite of the current economic situation, so many of you have come here honouring the commitment towards uplifting the society, this itself is a sign of true leadership.

Leader ship can be motivational or inspirational. Motivation comes from an external source and lasts only for a short while bur inspiration comes from within. You would’ve all seen the golden lotus symbol everywhere. A lotus shines with beauty and brilliance though it blossoms in muddy waters. True leader also shines and inspires leadership around them, in spite of all the challenges.

In these coming 3 days, let us look into ourselves, find the source of inspiration from with in, for me my mother is my inspiration, she was a symbol of strength and love. This combination is really the stepping stone for blossoming in life. Let us extend this sensitivity and care of a mother, that is naturally in us to the society and really bring a positive change on this planet.

Leadership is a choice and not a position. A leader is free, effective, compassionate, and takes responsibility for transformation. So many of us are gathered here today with this same purpose. I encourage you all to share your experiences during the sessions and outside as well.

Let us be the torch bearers and carry forword this light of inspiration, light of love nd compassion, light of wisdom, light of of leadership with great honour , commitment, and a sense of belongingness. Here, I’d like to add being the sister of H.H. I have this light of inspiration, love , peace, compassion and wisdom, guiding me in every step of my life and it is my pleasure to share it with all of you.
Once again a warm welcome to you all to your own home!! These three days let us enjoy and also be a joy to the world.