Inaugural Speech by H.H.Sri Sri RaviShankar

I wonder why women never entered the military. Perhaps it is because women never follow. Women are so independent by nature, it is impossible to have a colonel or major and have a group of women follow them. This is why this leadership quality in women which is inherent is pushed aside this is an inborn leadership quality in women that needs to be nurtured and brought together.

Women are instinctively not instinctuallygifted for planning and executing. When women head departments in their countries, those countries are much ahead of others. I have seen these inherent n qualities in each one of you.

Both rural and urban women have to be nurtured. I’m glad we’ve chosen this topic leadership. It brings us to the biggest problem in third world countries corruption. Women don’t fall as much as men because it pinches them. A corruption free society can emerge from a society of women folk. Again we must look at leadership not just as a social cause but on a personal level too. Women can do a better job at building character and integrity.

Today the situation is such that it is akin to standing on a treadmill that is functioning. You have to run to stay in the same place. In this fast pace of life we need to balance our inner beauty, ethical values and the challenges we face socially and internationally. You might have read in newspapers that 2000 women stood up and pledged their children for suicide bombers. This sends a shock through your spine, women can never do such a thing. What can cause this? There is so much injustice, lack of understanding or opportunity. Recently we saw five or six girl schools bombed by extremists who said “ no more education to girl child”. We cannot allow this type of tendencies to grow anywhere in the world. It is the more relevant for women all around the world to sit together and see that, women lead the society to a more nonviolent, free and fair society. We have this responsibility. In these three days, come up with action plans and deliberate and we’re all there to support you and follow you in that regard.

Don’t forget spirituality is the back bone of values and life. You are that sprit and you are theone to instill love, compassion, spirituality to those around you and in society. Wish you all the best and may god bless you.