The Way forward

In conversation with Bhanumathi Narasimhan (Bhanu Didi)

This is an extract taken from the closing interview at the International Women’s Conference between Bhanumathi Narasimhan (Bhanu Didi), director of the Women & Child Welfare Projects at the Art of Living Foundation and chairperson of @voicesofiwc and Kavita Khanna, barrister and politician.

KK: We are here, the energy is so high and soon we will face traffic and go back to the same old routine. Can you give us some guidance so we can actually take this passion that has been ignited here to implementation?

BD: We already have the solution - we have had the happiness program, incorporating Sudarshan kriya and meditation. So when we meditate we gain confidence. When the mind is not agitated, then the solutions follow.

Meditation has that lasting and authentic transformation that we all need. It’s okay sometimes to get upset and feel bad sometimes. Life is full of duality. Roses come with the thorns. But if we focus only on the thorn, then the beauty of the rose goes. That is where spirituality really has that anchoring capacity. If you are anchored in positivity, then life is more meaningful and little things will not upset us.

Meditation gives you inner strength. When there is clarity in mind, purity in heart and sincerity in action, nothing can shake you.

KK: You and Gurudev are our role models. So somehow many of us feel we can't do what you can do. What guidance can you give to us so we stay firm in our practice?

BD: It's okay not to practice for one or two days but I would say to make friends who support you  - so once a week have Satsang. Group practice will definitely help establish our practice better. Once you really have a taste of meditation and that peace, then the mind is so centered. Then it becomes natural - it is like eating breakfast. As essential as that. In olden days, spiritual practices used to be a luxury. We need this. We have to manage our own mind otherwise it manages us. Small things can upset us which can have a long-lasting impact.

All these things can be avoided when we meditate. It’s nothing airy-fairy - when you meditate, you realize this strength within yourself. This is taking care of your mental health. When you have a passion to have a say over your mind, this will definitely help you to continue your practice. We then realize when we are strong only then can we help others. 

Meditation gives you inner strength. When there is clarity in mind, purity in heart and sincerity in action, then nothing can go wrong. Sadhana is so important. We have to give prime time to ourselves. This is mental hygiene. Along with physical fitness, you need to be strong in the mind. As Gurudev says, a strong mind can hold a weak body but a weak mind can not even hold a strong body.

KK: The essence of this conference is to ignite the passion in you and you have to now take compassion and dispassion forward. Compassion will be in that you go and serve and do it dispassionately. If you want to achieve something and you come across obstacles, be dispassionate, but do not stop working. It’s very important to take this conference beyond ideas to actual social impact. Didi, would you like to elaborate on that, please?

BD: We have already taken the pledge and we would also like to collaborate with other NGOs and the government too. Because it’s such a huge task. So we can approach them if anybody has that connection. We can plant trees on the highways or wherever it is necessary. Everyone should think about these things and give their ideas. We don't have to do something which is not within our capabilities so don't get stressed. Whatever is within your reach, you can do that.

Be strong and see ways of serving society. Any way you can help. It was so meaningful for me when I took up this school project. My father started it with Gurudev’s guidance and inspiration. I feel it is only the grace that has helped us grow so exponentially. 22 states and 70 000 children is a big dream come true and now I’m dreaming bigger. Just imagine, we started with 30 children 39 years ago. That is my passion and you can also take up your own passion. Keep that compassion in your life alive. For me, passion is attached to goals, compassion with service and dispassion with the results. Give your one hundred percent leave the rest to the divine.