H.E. Ms. Mridula Sinha
Former Governor, Goa

“I see that every generation has one passion at least, whether or not they pursue the passion for their career or not. But passion is passion. According to that, whatever was my grandmother’s passion, came into me too, it transformed into me. Much like how we inherit many hereditary traits, the same way we inherit passion too.“

Hon. Ms. Harsimrat Kaur Badal
Minister of Food Processing

"Spirituality is there inside everybody. You just need somebody to ignite that spirituality in you. I believe that a life of spirituality is a life where your passion is directed in the right direction: in the direction where our creator wanted us to direct it."

H.E. Ms. Baby Rani Maurya
Governor, Uttarakhand

"At every place either family,society,office or whichever is her work area she fulfills her responsibilities and gives evidence at every moment that she is capable and can do everything.”

H.E. Dr. Kiran Bedi
Governor, Puducherry

"The passion within me was, I will not tolerate injustice."

Hon. Justice Sapna Pradhan Malla 
Supreme Court Judge

"Passion does not come or form overnight. It is a gradual process. A progressive self realization accompanied by life’s experiences and learning that comes from compassion. However, it is not enough that you merely recognize your passion and do nothing about it. Passion is more than spiritual finding, it is a commitment, it is an action."

Hon. Justice Gita Mittal 
High Court Judge, J&K

"Now I was speaking to the masses through my judgements and orders. I was to serve as the interface between the law and litigant before me. I wanted to speak to every woman and man in the street. In this endeavor I have drawn from something that Mother Teresa said. She had said, “If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.” In delivering justice for the masses, I knew I had to invoke every bit of law, national and international, yet not lose sight of the one before me. Because it is said the law after all is born from the despair of human nature"

Ms. Dace Melbarde
Member of European Parliament

"It is like a voice of the mother that calls all the children back and maintains the sense of belonging. For me, as a woman, singing is a means to express my emotions, to manage my emotions, to cope psychologically with life's difficulties, to lighten my workload, and to meditate, to calm down or sometimes viceversa, to boost my energy."

Mr. Nicolas Hulot
French Journalist and Environmentalist, Former minister of ecology

“My passion is also to do everything that I can so that the future will be what I decide, not what time will decide.”

Ms. Zoe Modgill
Founder and Instructor, Studio 60

“I realised my body could do things I never thought it could do. That gave me confidence.”

Mr. Dhrupad Karwa
Co-founder and CEO, HaikuJAM

“People need to step back and re-design. They need to rethink business models. Design for empathy, then empathy will flow.”

Ms. Lauren Von Der Pool
Director, National Quality Organization at PwC

“Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools we have for health.”

Mr. Juan Guillon
Assistant Professor, Health and Wellness Department, Sri Sri University

“Students are much smarter [than I realised] in relation to social media. Their social intelligence incorporates social media much more and much more naturally than it was for me, and that, for me, was very impressive.”

Mr. Vishen Lakhiani
Founder of Mindvalley

Post Unknown Factor comments: The session was really eye opening for me. As I was trying to interview Gurudev I was feeling in awe and I was also getting emotional because some of the ideas and insights were just so "mind expansive" - if that's even a word. It just makes you really think about life and the world and the nature of who we are as human beings. So to me, It was a powerful dose of wisdom in a span of 1 hour and 20 minutes

Ms. Ndileka Mandela
Founder CEO, Thembekile Mandela Foundation

“We can’t only elevate the girl child on her own, because then we leave the boys behind. We have to elevate both of them together.”

Ms. Kristin Kagetsu
CEO Saathipads

“We didn't want to be providing a product that would actually have a negative impact on the environment...and actually, if we use all natural materials, it is also better for our health.”

Prof. Maithree Wickramasinghe

“I find that there are a lot more dynamic, articulate, versatile women who have taken the ball and run. There are many more aware women who are doing a lot of good work.”

Dr. Aghadir Jweihan
General Trustee, EWA

“Like any other woman, I have the same dreams and hopes. For me, it’s not about service - it’s about love and giving beyond boundaries.”

Mr. Luke Coutinho
Holistic Lifestyle Coach

“Your mind is being influenced by what you see and what you hear and that is why meditation, the path that you are on, teaches you to look inside and find your own answer.”

Ms. Trupti Doshi
Co-founder & Principal Architect, The Auroma Group

"We do not need to do what the West has done. We can follow our own principles and our own inherent wisdom, but in a cutting edge and modern context. Such that we can show to the world that we can develop differently, we can develop sustainably.”

Ms Hema Hari
Founder Of Bharat Gyan

"So today we are economically viable and ecologically friendly. That is the jargon we use. Earlier we were ecologically viable and economically friendly. The moment you change that perception, then you can arrive at a right balance between ecology and economy.”

Mr. DK Hari
Founder Of Bharat Gyan

“Economy is for 2 decades, 3 decades, 5 decades. That is the industry life cycle you know. Whereas ecology goes on for centuries, millenia. We have to decide as mankind, whether we want to be a virus, or an elephant, do we want to be ecologically focused and economically friendly or ecologically friendly.”

Dr. Nisha Manikantan
Ayurveda Doctor & Advance Meditation course Teacher

“Dynamic expression of life is being spontaneous, is being enthusiastic, is being energetic, being joyful, being passionate, being target oriented and at the same time being full, being centered, and helping others, being supportive. All this put together is called the dynamic expression of life.”

Ms Gina Preziosa
VP of Sales and Marketing for Shankara

“And, what is really beautiful, that today across the world, people realised that you don’t have to look one particular way, and that everybody is beautiful exactly the way they are.”

Dr. Spandan Reddy
Dentist, Osteopath, CranioSacral therapist

“When we talk about a non-medicinal intervention, and helping people to orient to reservoirs of health in their body, and find improved energy levels and improved quality of life, the most important thing that comes across is breath.”

Ms Kaushani Desai
Art of Living faculty and Ayurvedic Chef

“We need to eat different varieties of grains, dals, vegetables and fruits, and restrict ourselves with what we like only, because that brings the imbalance in the body. And spices play a vital role, because it gives flavour, and spices are also a kind of medicine, which helps us to balance our body.”

Dr. Shradha Singtamkar
Director, Spine Care , Art of Living

“When we walk, we walk in different ways, and as we age, we tend to put our heel with the outer border of the foot. And that is how all the problems start. So whenever we walk, we walk with a heel and foot walk, first place the heel on the floor and then the whole foot, heel and foot- and that itself solves many health issues.”

Dr. Prabhakar Rao
Trustee, Sri Sri Institute Of Agricultural Science & Technology Trust

“Mission Green Earth is about a project that is so holistic, it replicates the one teacher that man can never compete with, that teacher is mother nature. Mission Green Earth would do, through the involvement of a human being, what nature does and has been doing successfully for millions of years on this planet.”

Ms Sumathi Jayaraman
Director for Strategy and Innovation at the United Nations Development Program

“Individual peace is the start of world peace. Only when I am stress-free from within, only when I have economic independence personally, while I take care of the planet, and my rights nobody has to give them to me - I already have them and I have the freedom to express them - then society, community, national peace can happen.”

Ms Indu Sinha
Senior Art of living faculty and Apex Member

Translated from Hindi: “Do not live like a flower that gets wilted on the side in the forest, live like a stone that can be sculpted into a beautiful idol of the divine, of God.”


Ms. Hohoko Asami 
Best Selling Author and Designer

“I have the power to change the world in and around me.”

Pravrajika Divyanandaprana
Sarada Mission

“An untrained mind creates divisions, creates all kinds of differences. But a mind which sees the reality of our own being, can't see too much of a difference anywhere. It can only unite.”

Rev. Cynthia James
Life Coach

“I started visioning myself as international. Started visioning myself working with people, especially women - to remember who they are and how powerful they are.”

Ms. Ronnie Newman 
Director of Health Promotion and Education at Art of Living

“We can use science to calm the heads of people so that they can open their hearts once again to spirituality.”

Ms Manjeet Hirani 
Senior Commander and Trainer with Air India

“All of us are here again for a reason, and wherever we are and however we are, it's meant to be.”

Ms. Rukmini Vijayakumar
Bharatnatyam Dancer & Actress, Founder of Raadha Kalpa Dance Company

“My joy cannot depend on whether someone likes my dance or not. The work speaks for itself.”

Ms. Anita Lal 
Founder and Creative Director, Goodearth

“Passion is the source of creation. It is my ruling star for creation. But dispassion is important to not get attached to your creations. Once you create work, it’s not yours anymore and then it’s gone. This is why it’s important to create boundaries.”

Mr. Gaurang Shah
Fashion Designer

“Nature is traditional, contemporary, and modern at the same time! What I have done in 19 years is 1% of the colour palette that nature offers us.”

Ms. Mrunal Khimji
Fashion Designer and Consultant, Mrunal’s Boutique

“To me, dispassion is like letting your bird fly the nest.”