YLTP Crusader Transforms Lives of Thousands of People in Assam

Sunidhpur, Assam: Madan Das worked at various places right from the age of 17 but could not choose his career till he was 24. After he took part in a Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP) in 2000, he was clear in his thoughts and actions, and got the confidence to move ahead. Until then, he was shy, timid and indecisive.

With the motivation of Gurudev, he travelled far and wide to teach free programs under Nav Chetna Shibir. During 2000-2001, he taught more than 1,500 people from different villages of Sonitpur district, including Bordubi. He helped people achieve physical and mental fitness with the help of pranayama. “When I organized the first YLTP for rural youth, of the 120 who participated, 60-70 were addicts. After the program, about 80 percent of the participants have overcome their addiction.”

Madan said, “Teaching the villagers was a great pleasure. Their response was overwhelming and they showered abundant love on us. They did not let us go and insisted that we continue our program. Then I moved to Dulizan and the surrounding areas where I taught more than 1000 people in 3 months.”

In 2003, he shifted to Guwahati, where he started programs for the youth of the surrounding villages. He organized more than 20 programs that helped transform the lives of around 1000 youths. The YLTP imparts physical and emotional strength, and gives a glimpse of one’s own self. Most of the participants have started similar de-addiction services in their native villages.

In 2008, he became a rural program teacher and started teaching Sudarshan Kriya. In 2009, he went to Burdur Bagan where he taught more than 150 people, who worked in tea gardens. These villagers were so impressed by the program that they recommended it for the future generation as well.

Many students of the area could not attend school due to poverty, ignorance and lack of resources. Madan started a free school with the help of the youth who wanted to start an institute after undergoing the YLTP. The school now has more than 250 students.

He organized a workshop on Zero Budget farming in Mirza, Kamroop district, wherein 1000 farmers took part and benefited from it. Most of them have now taken up organic farming.

He is planning to introduce Ayurveda in most of the villages in Assam. To ensure the health and financial independence of the villagers, he wants to promote organic farming in a big way.

Madan Das is 38 now but he hardly remembers his past. “Had I not done the YLTP course, where would I have been now?” When he took part in the program 14 years ago, he had no idea that he had the potential to transform so many lives.