This Is Why We Feel Low

Tue, 01/04/2014 Bangalore, India

Bangalore, India

Knowledge cleanses our mind and bring peace. Be happy, and don't keep finding fault in others.

For those people who got engaged today, I have some advice for you. Never question the love of your beloved. Don't ask them, 'How much do you love me?' If you find that their love is a little less, then tell them, 'Why do you love me so much?'
Remember, demand destroys love, so never demand. You are here only to give.
Both partners in the relationship need to remember that, I am here to give myself 100% to the other. If you do this, then you will see that the relationship will be healthy and long lasting.

Instead, what do we do? We keep demanding and asking, 'Why you didn't do this for me?' If you demand for something, love starts diminishing. So, no demanding, only contributing to each other.
Go with the feeling that I want nothing, I only want to contribute. My life is there is contribute. If you get into a relationship with this mindset, you will find a big difference in your life.

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