
QA with Gurudev -
28th July 2019.

Q. Many times it's seen that without good karma and the desire for it, he attains God's Grace.
A. God's Grace is attained without any reason also. That's why it's called Grace. If you're getting a result because of doing something you're enjoying the fruits of your actions. And if we get more than what we have done, then it's Grace. Recognizing Grace itself is a big thing. When you recognize this, then there's a shower of Grace in your life.

Q. We learned today not to see any intention behind the other person's mistake. What if the intention is bad? 
A. If someone's intention is bad that means they have very narrow understanding. People who are sick, need compassion not condemnation. Do you get angry at someone who is mentally disturbed? They deserve compassion.

Q. What is Chitta Shuddhi? What are the qualities?
A. Chitta Shuddhi is when the mind is pure. Purity of mind comes by clarity of perception and understanding of who one is. That brings clarity. 

Q. People who are shabby and disorganized are comfortable as they are. I on the other hand am called obsessive compulsive by my own children. Please explain this. 
A. In life you have to bring balance between orderliness and chaos. So manage and walk the middle path.

Q. How can one rise over ignorance?
A. This is just like asking when there's a lot of darkness, how can it be driven away by one ray of light? Darkness seems big. But it can go away.

Q. My friend says that life is a game. I feel that if I become free, the game will end. Because of this fear, I don't do my Sadhana.
A. You didn't understand. The game of life begins after doing Sadhana! Now see everyone's life is not called Leela. Only Ram, Krishna- their lives are called Leela. Only a free being's life is considered a game. All other life is considered conflict.

Q. I see fault in everyone even though I don't want to see it. How do I save myself from this?
A. If you see fault in yourself then pray for it to go away. Do sadhana, and prayer. Doshas go away with sadhana and prayer. When you see it in others, inspire them to do Sadhana.

Q. There are many stories of people who continue to save people after death, communicate with others through dreams, etc. Is it possible? 
A. Yeah this is possible. When there's attachment to this world and to it's people they do it. There are some saints. They say they will keep blessing people for 200-300 years. This is there.

Q. I feel bad if I'm not given credit for my seva. Is this attitude alright?
A. It is OK. It is not the highest way of doing seva but nevertheless it is good. Atleast it is doing some good to others.

Q. You have a solution for everything. When you travel, how can we not miss you?
A. No problem. Miss me for a while. It should be there also.


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