
Quotes about Criticism

Here are few quotes on how to handle Criticism by Gurdev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

1. Praise may not be true, and sometimes criticism may be, but we still long for praise. Accept criticism as gleefully as praise.

2. Stand up to criticism. You will see all fears vanish. Whenever needed give constructive criticism.


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3. Every time you face criticism, know that you are vast like the ocean and you can take in anything. When you feel small, that is when you don't feel like taking criticism. When you feel very big, then you think, I am much bigger than this criticism, let me take it in.


4. Be passionate about something higher. Stand up to criticism, be attached to your virtues and be indifferent if someone insults you.



5. If you have the strength to accept criticism, then nothing can throw you off balance.

6. Accept people and situations as they are in life and then take action. The moment you do this, you'll see you are out of the confusion about anything in life.

7. You should respond to an insult with a smile. A person of true patience and courage is one who can respond to any insult or criticism with an unshakeable smile.

8. You should hear criticism with both your ears. But don't let it sink in your heart. Don't be scared of criticism.

9. A person of true courage and passion is one who can respond to any criticism with an unshakeable smile.


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