
10 inspiring quotes on failure
& bouncing back

When we take up any task, there are two possible outcomes. Either we are successful in the endeavor or fail. Yet how often are we prepared to fail? Rarely! We are brought up with the mental conditioning that it is bad to fail.

Just look back at your failures, and you will see that you have learned something from them, and they have been stepping stones for you to move ahead. 

Here are ten quotes by Gurudev that will make you realize that it’s perfectly alright to fail. You are much more than your failures!


Remember that life goes beyond failure and success: do not simply focus on these two categories of prospects. Life goes beyond the moments we find rewarding, and the moments we find upsetting.


In life, whether you fail in any exam or not, but do not ever fail in the exam of life. Human life is precious!


Don’t be afraid of failure. If you fail, never mind, still do it. Take some risks in life.



Every failure is a stepping stone towards success. You are not alone. There is a power guiding you.


Failures come in life. Never mind because there is something deep within you that can never fail.


Learn from the mistakes made and go ahead with this conviction: ‘The Divine is on my side and will not allow me to fail.’


When you look back at your failures, you will see that you have learned something from them, and they have been stepping stones for you to move ahead.


Every situation in life is all about how we see it - as a problem or an opportunity to grow.


Problems and challenges add charm to life and bring the best out of you. Learn from them and grow bigger than them.


Trying times bring out the best in you. Rewarding times give the best of the world to you. Life is a combination of both. Move on with zeal.

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