
Satsang 23.09.2019

The Story of Madhu Kaitab

Gurudev: Puraana means that which is new. It is ever new. In Sanskrit, Pure Nava iti puraana. There are deep secrets hidden in every Purana.

Madhu and Kaitab (two demonic powers) were born out of the earwax of Vishnu. Madhu is craving. Kaitab is aversion. They kept roaming around the ocean. What is the ocean? It is the ocean of Samsara (world). When you rise above Samsara there are no cravings and aversions. Madhu and Kaitab heard some mantras. By doing Sadhana, they got a lot of strength. Brahma got scared! Brahma is the creative force. When your cravings and aversions are high, there's a veil over your intellect. Your Brahma Shakti gets suppressed. The Gods go to the Devi. Devi is Prana (Life force energy.) Then Madhu and Kaitab, the two Asuri (two demonic powers) forces got destroyed. People with cravings and aversions don't listen to anyone. They only listen to love. 

They got Mukti when the Devi asks them to die. Where did they get liberated? In water. Water and love have the same word in Sanskrit! Apah. Apah means water and it also means those who are your own! If you want to fix someone, make them your own. Then they'll listen to you. The power that came from love- with that power, cravings and aversions went away.  

It's impossible to get rid of cravings and aversions by yourself. When you fight them, it might seem like they've gone away. But they come back. When your energy rises, they go away on their own. There are three forms of Shakti. Gyaan Shakti, Kriya Shakti and Ichcha Shakti. Where these 3 come together, that is Kali. The 3 came together to destroy Madhu and Kaitab. This is the first story from Devi Bhagawatam.

Que: Gurudev is it okay to have some expectations from Guru or should we not have any expectations from Guru?

Gurudev: It's not like you deliberately have expectations. You can't suppress it. Look at things the way they are, and move on. When the mind gets stuck, then aggression arises. When the intellect stays in the midst of all these circumstances and remains untouched, then you can be happy. If your expectations are fulfilled, then there is Grace. Even if it doesn't get fulfilled there is Grace. Sometimes expectations not getting fulfilled is only Grace! Keep your mind like butter. It floats everywhere!

That which happens, you have no control. But that which is to be done, you have full control over it. We do the exact opposite. When it is our turn to do something, we leave it to God. And we get into doership over things that happen. When doership comes you become sad.

Discrimination is knowing the difference between the two. What must be done is your responsibility. What happens is God's will. Then how will you be sad? Nobody can make you sad! Whatever you must do you will do one hundred percent. You will get the fruit of your actions. We don't get the fruit of that which we haven't done. If we are in trouble, it's because we've sown the seeds for it. We have done this already. You have no authority to ask why it is happening. But what must you do now? Save yourself from this. Do what you can do, now. This is very subtle. If we understand this, we become worry free. A sense of peace takes over the mind. Then no force in the world can shake you.

Que: Gurudev, you always emphasise innocence and being natural, but when I look at myself I have come across this dharana that I am both innocent and clever. So is it possible for me to attain the deep state of meditation?

Gurudev: It is absolutely possible to go into the depth of knowledge. You have seen you are clever and you are innocent too. Now you be a witness to these. These are not you. All the good qualities are already in you.

If you believe that this negativity is yours and then you try to get rid of it; how will you do that? All your life you try but nothing happens. Pay attention to this. Negativity is not yours. I was called to a jail once to address the prisoners. I told them you're not Bandhees, you're Bandhus! How many of you here think you're here without any reason? How many of you think you're innocent? Everyone raised their hands! We didn't commit any crime! I looked at the jailer sitting next to me. He laughed and said this is how they talk. They actually feel this way. The Atma (soul) inside says I'm right. I didn't do anything wrong. There's a Tattva  (Element) inside everyone that's pure. 

There was a rich man in America. He took someone else's suitcase from the airport. He did this twice or thrice. He got arrested by the police. It was in the news. He says he didn't understand why he did this. If there's someone who needs something, you can understand. But this man donates a lot! He's a giver. But still he took others suitcases and went away. He admitted doing it. But he didn't understand why he was doing it. This Maya is strange.

The voice inside everyone is pure. It's been covered. And it is unable to see itself. That is why when someone points out your mistakes to you, you need to respect them. Something which you are unable to see, they are showing you. They're being a mirror. 

Inside everyone there is an innocence. You should trust the innocence more. Don't identify with your negativity. When you identify with it, that's when you start defending yourself.


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