20 August 2016 - QA 7

Dear Gurudev, I am an allopathic doctor. When I learnt about Ayurveda, I feel my science is not complete. Yet I also cannot invest time to learn five years of Ayurveda. How can I make my medical practice more holistic with Ayurveda? How can I integrate Ayurveda?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

You know, Ayurveda doctors ask the same question about Allopathy (laughter). I know that many queries and requests of this kind have come up and we shall discuss it with the Ministry of AYUSH, and see if it is possible to design a short course in phases for addressing this – whether by correspondence or in residential mode, and spanning between six months to a year in duration. We will have to think about a proper format for it, since you do know about anatomy already, and you know about diseases.

Here you need to know and learn more about Nadi Pariksha or Pulse Diagnosis. We will do a Pulse Diagnosis course for you. It can be an additional source of knowledge for you about Ayurveda. But to learn more about Ayurveda we will think about it and ask the Ministry of AYUSH about it.