
5 simple yoga poses to cure
acidity permanently

We all have faced acidity problems at some point in our lives. Also known as acid reflux, it can be caused due to eating food that is excessively oily, salty, spicy, or sweet. Excessive intake of caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol can further worsen the problem. Another possible cause of the spike in acidity can be going to sleep immediately after eating food. All these habits, with the added stress of daily life, are what cause and aggravate acidity.

Tweak your lifestyle for better health

There are many symptoms of acidity, beginning from restlessness and heartburn to nausea and vomiting and sometimes even constipation. While these symptoms can be painful and uncomfortable, there are many simple remedies to curb the effects of acidity and avoid the same.

Yoga to cure acidity permanently

Yoga is one of the most efficient and natural cures for acidity. It is also one of the easiest and quickest ways to not only overcome the effects of acid reflux but also helps strengthen your digestive system. Here are five yoga poses that can help.


Vajrasana pose for acidity


Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

This pose increases blood flow to the stomach and intestine and helps to digest food effectively, even if you have a weak digestive system.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving pose) for digestion


Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)

Regular practice of Pavanamuktasana helps stimulate bowel movement which is very necessary for removing waste material and toxins from our digestive system.



Nadi shodhan pranayama to improve digestion


Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique)

This pose boosts energy in the body and releases stress and anxiety. It should ideally be practiced in the morning in open air and on an empty stomach. 

Kapal Bhati pranayama to cure acidity


Kapal Bhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breathing Technique)

It is effective in curing stomach disorder, obesity, digestive disorder and many such problems related to the stomach.


Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Ustrasana (Camel pose) for good digestion

This pose is especially good for alleviating backache. It helps relax the mind and improves blood circulation. It is also good for the respiratory, endocrine and nervous systems.

Daily practice of yoga will prove to be an excellent technique to deal with acidity and its effects.

Other home remedies for acidity and bloating

While yoga is a great way to cure gastric and acidity problems, when combined with some simple lifestyle changes and healthy eating habits, one can see great results in their overall gastric health. Here are some home remedies for acidity and gas problem

  1. Include more fruits and raw vegetables in your diet.

  2. Reduce the consumption of oily and spicy foods.

  3. Avoid eating sweets.

  4. Avoid having meals right before bedtime.

  5. Reduce intake of caffeine.

  6. Refraining from tobacco and alcohol consumption can help alleviate acidity.

  7. Increase the consumption of water and other liquids like buttermilk and coconut water.

Remove your physical, mental, and emotional stress with holistic techniques taught in The Art of Living Meditation and Breath Workshop.


Yoga practice helps develop the body and mind bringing a lot of health benefits. Yet, it is not a substitute for medicine. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a trained Sri Sri Yoga teacher. In case of any medical condition, practice yoga postures after consulting a doctor and a Sri Sri Yoga teacher. Find a Sri Sri Yoga program at an Art of Living Center near you.

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