Waste Land Yields 16 Tons of Pumpkin

In Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu, organic farming brought about miraculous results by turning a useless plot of 12 acres into fertile land. Nagendra’s land was barren for long and no crops were grown here until he attended a training program in organic farming. Art of Living’s three-day workshop on natural and zero-budget farming initiated him to implement the methods in his land, though on an experimental basis. “We cleared all the weeds and bushes. Some of them were thorny and difficult to cut down, and it took four months to clear the entire area.”

Villagers simultaneously got trained in organic farming by four Yuvacharyas Vasant, Muthukumar, Thirumuthy and Aiyappan. When the land was ready for growing crops, seeds of white pumpkin, sesame and cucumber were sown, which soon yielded a great crop. In the very first harvest, nearly 16 tons of pumpkin were grown, said the yuvacharyas.

 Reported by: Amreshwaar