Sudarshan Kriya

How Sudarshan Kriya can improve relationships among couples?

Do you feel burdened or embarrassed when you have to often prove your love and commitment to your spouse or partner? This is a natural tendency among couples. The solution to this is in your hands.

Sudarshan Kriya, (SK) a powerful breathing technique, has immensely benefited married couples. SK holds you to walk you through the pitfalls that bring down marriage or a relationship.

SK has demonstrated a measurable impact on the quality of life.


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Research on Sudarshan Kriya has revealed :

  • 56.6% reduction in stress hormone cortisol within two weeks of practice. With the decrease in stress, couples experienced harmony with each other.
  • 21% increase in life satisfaction within a week of practice. The improvement in life satisfaction, a sense of serenity, and a feeling of oneness matured between the life partners.
  • 33% increase in immune cell count (lymphocytes) in six weeks, remaining in the normal range. With an increase in immunity, the body remains fit. A fit body means a fit mind. The feel-good hormones block out the pain. As a result of these hormones, people feel happier. The effect of physical fitness is long-lasting and is associated with more positive social engagement, even into the next day.
  • Quality of sleep multiplied three times more in restful stages of sleep. The deep rest enabled restoration and enhancement of vibrant mental health. Thus, the couples could focus better on their work, finish their assignment before deadlines and grab more WE time.
  • You may enjoy this short animated video on the research on Sudarshan Kriya which reveals: Why you cannot force the mind to relax, the deep connection between our breathing and emotions, the benefits of Sudarshan Kriya on stress, focus, depression, and more.

Partners share how they transformed from life partners to soul-mates

Know the powerful breathing techniques and wisdom that will transform your life at The Art of Living Online Meditation and Breath Workshop.


To recapitulate

We perceive a deep connection among couples and so we call them soul mates as soul connection is beyond emotional connectivity.  Although there is discord on the emotional level, a deeper connection exists. Then we recognize that no one is away from us and that we are part of them, and they are part of us. It is an evolution of human existence, the human consciousness.

Marriage is an institution where you commit yourself 100% to your partner. Give them the understanding that you understand them” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Come to experience yourself, how quickly the breath can calm the mind and how easy meditation can be.

A complete lifestyle solution for couples is in The Art of Living Happiness Program. Join today! 

Related Links

To know more about Why Sudarshan Kriya is the most powerful breathing technique watch the video.

The many benefits of Couples’ Meditation - highlight how meditating together as a couple can build a strong bond.

FAQs on how Sudarshan Kriya benefits couples

A complete lifestyle solution for couples is in The Art of Living Happiness Program.

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