Restoring Lost Values in Addicts and Alcoholics


Lokhimoni jena

Lokhimoni Jena planned to become a nun to work for the well-being of the people of hervillage. Her decision at a crucial time of her life has now helped transform thousands of lives through workshops and projects throughout the country. Born in a poor OBC family of Raourkeli in Odisha, she was brought up amid the social evil of male dominance in our society. She was clueless about her future until she took part in an Art of Living workshop, ‘Nav Chetna,’ in 2000. After the program, she became a Yuvacharya (youth teacher) and started travelling throughout Odisha to conduct the program.

In 2007, she was in-charge of ‘HIV Positive Children Care Project’ at Gopalpur, Odisha, and she introduced a new vegetarian menu for the children. This showed positive results and brought about an amazing improvement in the health of the children. They did not require regular visits to the doctor anymore. In Uttrakhand, Jharkhand and Rajasthan, she has helped bring happiness to the people. For two years, she took care of the six free schools run by Art of Living in and around Kalahandi, Odisha.

Now, Lokhimoni is working as a State Program Manager for Tata Projects in Rajasthan. Sensing that the tribal people were losing their values and culture, she started workshops and touched the lives of nearly 600 people. “The people here got displaced due to the construction of a steel project. They soon became addicted to alcohol and fell a victim to other wrong practices. They eventually lost their culture, feeling of togetherness and brotherhood”. About 1234 immigrants were rehabilitated. The villagers acknowledge that they have transformed after taking part in the program.

It was a big challenge for Lokhimoni to mould addicts and alcoholics, and show them the right direction of health and happiness. She has a team of volunteers that reaches out to several people through door-to-door campaigns. She says Gurudev is a constant source of inspiration for her. She is grateful to him for providing her with such an opportunity.

Reported by: Rajesh Kundu