
Suspicion Can Corrode The Soul, Warns Sri Ravishankar

21st of Nov 2018

Mysuru: Suspicion is the biggest enemy of man and if it enters one’s mind it can corrode the soul and destroy him, warned Art of Living Founder Sri Ravishankar.

He was speaking after inaugurating a special programme ‘Sammilana’ organised by Vykati Vikas Kendra at the Senate Bhavan in Manasagangothri last evening and said that today we look at everyone with suspicion. Though it is a good trait, the problem arises when it enters the soul destroying us. This results in many psychological problems, he added.

About 50 years ago none of the houses were being locked. Instead, people would just close the doors and went out to attend to their work. Rarely did one see robberies in houses. There was intimacy among people which is rare to see now-a-days and this has led to many mental health issues. The only solution to this is to gain control over our mind. This can be achieved by practicing Pranayama and meditation, he said.

The Indian society is a very close-knit one. Everyone trusts everyone. Earlier, when any stranger visited the village, he would be welcomed with open arms. But this quality is becoming rare today and the main reason for this is a suspicious mind, he said.

Sri Ravishankar also spoke at length about the benefits of yoga which has transcended boundaries. MLA L. Narendra, Kamakshi Hospital Managing Trustee Mahesh Shenoy and others were present.


Courtesy: Star of Mysore