
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
“Don’t Stop Learning”

26th of Jul 2019

One of the most influential people in India was awarded the honorary doctoral degree by UrFU

Yesterday Ravi Shankar, the Founder and President of Sri Sri University, was awarded the honorary doctoral degree by Ural Federal University. UrFU awarded one of the most influential people in India the degree for his contribution to the development of intercultural dialogue and friendly relations between India and Russia.

‘Don’t stop learning,’ Mr. Shankar said, addressing the audience of students. ‘Not just on the subjects of the career that you have chosen. Spread yourself: learn languages, history. Art and music should be present in your life. That can make you multitalented, thus allowing you to do multitasking, and this is what many successful people do.’

UrFU Rector Victor Koksharov awarded Sri Sri Ravi Shankar the honorary doctor gown, academic cap and diploma. He gave a guest lecture for 50 Indian students who participate in UrFU Summer University.

Before the meeting with students, a ceremony was held where UrFU Rector and Sri Sri University President signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of student and research mobility.

‘Our universities are similar in many ways and we have a great deal in common,’ Victor Koksharov emphasized. ‘Colleagues in India, for example, are now actively introducing digital innovations in educational and research processes. We can increase the student exchange and begin joint scientific research.’

The decision to support the initiative of the UrFU Ural Institute of Humanities to award the honorary doctoral degree to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was made on Monday by members of the Ural Federal University Academic Council.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is the founder of “Art of Living”, a non-profit organization known throughout the world, the official consultant of the World Health Organization, the founder of the International Association for Universal Human Values. He teaches the art of living in dozens of countries.

Among the honorary doctors of Ural Federal University is Vladislav Krapivin (writer), Eduard Rossel (the first governor of the Sverdlovsk region), Frank-Walter Steinmeier (the president of Germany), Nursultan Nazarbayev (the first president of Kazakhstan), Zandaakhüügiin Enkhbold (the head of the Mongolia Presidential Administration, UrFU (formerly known as USTU-UPI) graduate).


The Honorary Doctor degree (Doctor Honoris Causa) is relatively new for Russian universities, however, widely known abroad. In Ural Federal University it was established in 2010 to confer the achievements of outside experts and is awarded by the Academic Council in recognition of special achievements in science, education, and public and state activities.

Holders of the "Honorary Doctor of the Ural Federal University" degree are outstanding scientists, teachers, public figures, a total of 44 people.

UrFU collaborates on an ongoing basis with 12 universities in India, including within the framework of the BRICS Network University. The university has 16 students and 15 employees from India. In five years, Ural Federal University scientists and 53 scientific and educational centers of India prepared 196 joint publications.


Courtesy: Ural Federal University