
Oslo hosts anti-doping
sports conference

25th of Jun 2018

New Delhi: An anti-doping sports conference titled Clean Sport=Fair Outcome? was held today at Oslo to address the issue of doping menace.

The conference is a joint initiative of the World Forum for Ethics in Business (WFEB), Anti-Doping Norway and FairSport to propose a substantial agenda for action, enabling it to have an impact on the ongoing anti-doping reforms and policy framework.

Norways Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Founder of The Art of Living and WFEB, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Vice-President Linda Hofstad Helleland, US Anti-Doping Agencys CEO Travis Tygart are among the 22 eminent speakers.

The conference will not only address various governance issues in sports but also celebrate role models by announcing the winner of the 2018 Ethics in Sports Award.

The Anti-Doping in Sports conference is a continuation of WFEBs conference series on Ethics in Sports. Earlier editions were held at the FIFA headquarters (2014, 2016) and at the stadium of Germanys soccer club, Union Berlin (2015). PTI ATK ATK


Courtesy: Indiatoday