
City experiences spirituality

18th of Nov 2017

Nagpurians on Friday got a unique opportunity to interact with Art of Living Founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Divisional Sports Complex. Satisfied with the live interactions with their beloved spiritual master, each one attended Antarang Varta and learnt life transforming knowledge from him. In a very lucid manner and simplified words, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar as usual has captivated and inspired the audience with his special style of meditation. Citizens have experienced ‘conversation from heart to heart’ as Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar guided them right from attaining higher self, achievement of spiritual excellence, knowing purpose of life, the social issues, solutions to their family issues and even simple things in day to day life.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar when entered in the Divisional Sports Complex, accorded a grand welcome from thousands of devotees, trainers, teachers and other personalities. Maharashtra Energy Minister and Nagpur District Guardian Minister Chandrashekhar Bawankule, Yavatmal District Guardian Minister and Minister of State for Energy, Tourism, Food and Drugs Administration, Madan Yerawar; Mayor Nanda Jichkar, MLA Sunil Kedar, MLA Sudhakar Kohale, Nimesh Maheshwari were felicitated by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Devotees, members of Art of Living Nagpur Centre, trainers and teachers presented him ‘Royal Jire Top’ and garlanded him. A huge scroll of honour was also presented to Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar by the devotees.

Look within The spiritual Guru started speaking with devotees in a very soft and simple voice explained meaning of Antarang as sacred place within the physical being. ‘Sunlight’ consists of different shades of colour. It looks white when all colours are mixed with each other, but when isolated one could identify separate shade. Mind of an individual could be compared with complex form of colour. It depends on an individual which colour he accepts and which he throws in life, Sri Sri said.

Use heart and brain while understanding each other

Sri Sri explained difference between ‘sensitivity’ and ‘sensibility’. A person when uses his brain and has good sense and judgment is a sensible person. Sensitive person is an emotional one, gets affected readily by feelings of others, he uses his heart more than brain. In life one must establish between sensitivity and sensibility to lead purposeful life, he added.

-Follow the foot steps of Ancient Rishis:

All the scriptures in India are available in question answer format. The Rishis have shared their knowledge in this format only. Antarang Varta is developed on the basis of this format which helps a person to listening to knowledge; contemplating on the knowledge and making the knowledge your own by experience. This format has opened new dimensions to life, improved relationships and productivity, he added.

Ram Mandir in Ayodhya should become a symbol of harmony

Sri Sri disclosed his views about Ram Mandir issue as, “Muslims and Hindus should sit together and respect the court judgment. They should settle the issue amicably, respect feelings of each other with peaceful agreement and co-operation. Muslims should build Ram Mandir while Hindus should take initiative to build Masjid. There should be a board displayed in the premises of both Mandir and Masjid respecting values of both of them.”


Courtesy: The Hitavada