
Celebrate Yourself this Guru Purnima; Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

25th of Jul 2018

Guru Purnima is celebrated on a full moon day. Mind is connected with the moon, and  the full moon is a symbol of completion, celebration, or pinnacle. This is the day we celebrate knowledge and love together. Full moon is the symbol of love and Knowledge is full of love. It is a day for reflection on our credits and debits. A day to be grateful for all that you have achieved in the past and resolving all that you want to do in the coming years. Realizing this and feeling grateful for all that has come your way – celebrating this and the tradition of Masters who preserved this knowledge is Guru Purnima.  We feel more grace flowing into our lives. More gratefulness and gratitude means more grace. More grace means more happiness, more knowledge. Nobody knows when the tradition started. Billions of years before, on this earth, so many sages and rishis have been there and so many will come in the future too. We thank all those in the past, present and the future for the continuation of wisdom on this planet.

We see the changes brought about by spiritual knowledge in our lives and feel grateful. Without wisdom it is not living, only existing. Life begins with wisdom. Guru means enormous, the biggest. In our consciousness, wisdom comes to life when the guru tattva comes to life. When all the boundaries drop; you feel one with everyone around, and one with the whole universe, that’s called- ‘Guru tattva’. When we have no desires of our own, then the gurutattva dawns in our life. Do you ever wish to do something for someone without expecting anything from them? Then you have played the role of the guru.

The mother is the first guru. Then there are teachers, like the veena teacher and so on. The Sadguru gives you knowledge of the truth, the ultimate reality, spiritual knowledge. On Guru Purnima, one must reflect, “Where was I before I got this knowledge? Where am I now?” When you see the contrast of where you were without this knowledge, then gratitude wells up. How fortunate you are to perceive the infinity within you, in this finite framework of the body-mind complex. The body and mind are finite but the expression of the spirit is infinity.

For the Seeker, the New Year is Guru Purnima which is a celebration of one whole year on the spiritual path, towards the Divine manifestation in our life. One year towards feeling Oneness and seeing the world through the eyes of the Guru. That is the guiding star for us. Let me do that which a Guru, a wise person would have done in this situation. A wise person would never react. He would respond. You will learn by putting yourself in that position (of the guru or wise person) again and again – by attempting infinite patience, immense intelligence, complete compassion and unblemished joy. We must love and serve others without wanting anything in return. This is important. Usually, we think, I gave so much love to that person, what did he give me in return. In this way, we try to make the other person feel that we have done them a great favor by loving them. This we must not do. Love is your nature. It is acting with dignity, naturalness, compassion and simplicity, and we are born with these qualities. Surrender all your qualities and become hollow and empty. To come closer to the Guru tatva, this is what you need to do – surrender all your positive and negative qualities and be happy.


Courtesy: Air News India