
AoL holds happiness program
for policemen

30th of Nov 2017

Jammu: The Art of Living conducted three days happiness program for SDPOs, SHO’s and Police Constables at Youth Hostel Nagrota, Jammu.

The program was conducted by Art of Living Faculty, Swami Ashok Ji along with AoL volunteers. The program was organized in association with J&K Police, Jammu. Police Department expressed gratitude to AoL for conducting program for the police personnel.

The Art of Living founder Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s unique Sudarshan Kriya was taught in workshop. Apart from the powerful breathing techniques, Yoga, Pranayama and meditation, the program also had interactive wisdom sessions that provided practical life tools to handle any difficult or stressful situation in life. The participants learned to get to know themselves and the possible ways how to handle stressful situations. The result was at the end of the program, participants experienced a peaceful, stable, joyful state of mind and a sense of connection with everyone around.

They experienced a tremendous relief from ailments, emotional imbalance and physical fitness issues as well. The main aims of the program were to bid goodbye to all fears, anxiety, scattered mind, aggression, mood swings, health issues, negative thoughts, emotions of police personnel’s and give a heart welcome to joy, focused & clear mind, enthusiasm, positive outlook plus feeling of oneness & boundless potential to achieve the best in life.

The majority of the employees in the police are left to themselves when it comes to solving their everyday work problems, problems at home or in their living environment. Stressful situations influence their well-being, interpersonal relations and health. Stress contributes to higher rate of absence from work. This is one of the reasons why it is essential to organize such workshops more for the well-being and health of police officers.

The participants expressed their satisfaction about the three day course and hoped that these Yoga courses would be conducted in regular intervals for the enthusiasm of the people. Some of them also shared their views and informed about the positive effects of the course experienced by them. They further said they felt transformed after this art of living workshop understanding close meanings of love, happiness and enthusiasm in life they complimented teacher Swami Ashok Ji.


Courtesy: Daily Excelsior