
Art of Living Doubles Celebrations for 4th International Day of Yoga

18th of Jun 2018

Humanitarian leader and Art of Living Founder Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will be leading the International Day of Yoga celebrations at the European Parliament as Chief Guest.

The European Parliament in partnership with the Indian Embassy Belgium and The Art of Living Foundation has invited the leader to lead a special yoga session on 21 June 2018 from 12.00-13.30 pm at the Yehudi Menuhin Space inside the Parliament. MPs, officials from the European Commission, the European External Action Service and other dignitaries are expected to attend the event. The session will be a blend of various Yogic techniques comprising of Asanas, breathing exercises and meditation for inner peace and wellbeing.

His Excellency Mr. Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament together with Her Excellency Mrs. Sushma Swaraj, the Honourable External Affairs Minister of India, will also join the celebrations as Chief Guests.

Contemporary lifestyles have drawn more and more people across the world to the marvels of Yoga. Yoga has managed to break barriers of religion, culture and language; finding its way into everyday lifestyles with its energising powers, and the ability to bring peace and prosperity.

To mark the 4th International Day of Yoga, the Art of Living has organised week-long events globally. These events will help promote the inclusive spirit of Yoga and its authentic practices. Millions of yoga enthusiasts and practitioners from over 150 countries are set to participate in Sri Sri Yoga programs being held across 2000 locations world over. In India, Art of Living has tied up with French Sports goods retail giant, ‘Decathlon’, to introduce Sri Sri Yoga programs across 61 stores in Delhi. On 21st June, Gurudev would also address the participants of Sri Sri Yoga programs across the world with a Live Web session.

In the run up to the IDY, people from over 90 countries will participate in Sun salutations at Sun Rise in their respective countries. Apart from these, thousands of programs around the world, have been planned on June 21st.

As part of the IDY Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inaugurated and gave a keynote address in Amsterdam on 17th June at Museumplein. On his European tour, The Art of Living founder will also be the chief guest at an IDY event in Munich on 23 June. On 25 June, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will be a keynote speaker at an ‘Anti-Doping in Sports’ conference in Oslo together with the Prime Minister of Norway Erna Solberg.

Since its inception, IDY has been celebrated with great fervour by The Art of Living across the world. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has been instrumental in rekindling the interest of the social mainstream in Yoga and meditation around the world. From the UNESCO headquarters in Paris to the United Nations in the US, the according to Forbes fifth most important Indian worldwide has brought this topic on the agendas, making it accessible to today’s modern man. His initiatives not only focus on the individual benefits of this practice, but also on the benefits for society as a whole, guided by the principle that inner peace is the basis for external peace.


Courtesy: Ocean Times