
The Art of Living hosts program to heal victims of Kashmir conflict

November 10, 2017

Gurudev sends a Paigam-e-Mohabbat to Kashmir

Brings families of slain militants, army personnel and local Kashmiris on a single platform

200 affected families including women attend the program

Bengaluru: A heartfelt exchange of emotions marked the Paigam-e-Mohabbat, a unique gathering of victims of Kashmir conflict hosted by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at the Art of Living International Center, Bengaluru on Friday.

The program brought together family members of slain militants and victims of cross-firing from Kashmir and families of defense and security personnel from all over India who have been martyred in the Valley. Representatives from over 200 affected families, including 60 women, traveled all the way from remote places in Kashmir to attend the program.

It was a heart-touching moment for everyone to see the families share the pain they have gone through and renounce the culture of militancy, which has claimed their dear ones.

Commenting on the initiative, Gurudev said, “When the families affected by violence come together in a spirit of forgiveness, a new vision for a non-violent society will emerge. I am confident that this would inspire many youths to take that path.”

“Unless and until we put a balm to heal the hurt and give a new vision, the chain reaction of violence will continue,” he added.

“Deep inside, there is compassion in every heart. Such events will enliven that aspect and make one realize that neither violence nor blame game leads anywhere,” he hoped.

A softening of hearts was very apparent when a former militant Abdul Majeed said, “Youth must drop their guns and follow the path of peace. We have come here because Gurudev (Gurudev) is a big personality who does big work. We hope that he will get us a solution through talks.”

“We have come with a lot of hope. We didn't expect that we would have the chance to come to a space like this. We have lost a lot. Now we want to spread a message of love to the nation,” added Ajaz Ahmad Mir from Ganderbal.

“Nobody listens to us. Something should be done for people like us. That's why we came here. We want to tell Gurudev this,” shared Naseer Lone of Bandipora.

We have nothing against each other. Our anger is against the circumstances that are making us kill each other in Kashmir. We hope Gurudev will address this," said a widow of an officer martyred in Kashmir.

"We also feel the pain of the family of personnel who are getting killed while on duty in Kashmir. But we are also suffering at their hands. We must put an end to this. We appreciate Gurudev's initiative," a Kashmiri lady from the family of a slain militant said while sharing emotional moments with the families of the martyrs.

"We women have no political agenda so we can unite the hearts," said another.

Denouncing the path of violence, Fayaz Ahmad Sheik of Baramulla said, “My father was killed and burnt in 1999. I want to say this shouldn't happen to anyone else. We don't want this to happen anymore.”

“People of both sides have been killed whether they are from the Army or the other side. We are unable to sleep at night and can’t go out in the day. We want peace and have come to Gurudev with this hope,” added Ghulam Hussain, a former militant.

Sharing the work done by the Art of Living in Jammu & Kashmir since 2004, Sanjay Kumar, Program Director of the Art of Living, said, “From pro-Pakistan leaders to stone-pelters, Sufi saints to intellectuals, we have been in continuous and sustained engagement with all stakeholders for over a decade. The reconciliation and conflict resolution efforts will continue to bridge religious, ideological and communal divides in the troubled Valley.”

Besides, many representatives from the Valley have met Gurudev and sought his intervention to rebuild trust and peace in the Valley. They include members from the families of slain militants and martyrs. Muzaffar Wani, the father of slain Hizbul Mujahideen leader Burhan Wani, also met Gurudev last year in the Art of Living International Center in Bengaluru.

The Art of Living has been working in Kashmir since 2004 to heal the trauma of militancy, facilitate dialogue, reform those who are lodged in prisons, de-stress Army and police personnel and channelize misguided youth towards constructive pursuits.

Gurudev is no stranger to bringing opposing parties to reconciliation. He effectively played that role in Colombia in 2015 by convincing the leaders of the Colombian rebel group FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), who were holding up to global pressure for negotiations, to the adopt the Gandhian principle of Ahimsa or non-violence. His reconciliation efforts culminated not only in the rebel group, which had been waging a guerrilla war for five decades that claimed more than 220,000 lives, signing a peace treaty with the government but also to seeking forgiveness from the victims of the conflict.

Similarly, Gurudev intervened in the former Yugoslavian enclave of Kosovo after the civil war to boost the process of reconciliation and restoration of peace and help war victims reclaim their lives.