
Over A Lakh People from 100 Countries Part of Mahashivratri Celebrations with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

February 24, 2017

Bangalore: The magic of one lakh people meditating together, accompanied by vibrations of sacred chants, the sound of cymbals, drums and devotional music filled the air at the pristine, colorful and lit-up Art of Living International Center as over one lakh devotees from 100 countries gathered to celebrate the occasion of Mahashivratri.

“Since thousands of years, people have experienced and worshiped the Shiva Tattva. Shiva is peace, infinity, and beauty," said Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, "On the day of Shivratri, this Shiva principle, which remains above the material plane, touches the physical world. Shivratri signifies the wedding of the material with the spiritual."

Some of the dignitaries present at the celebrations were Haris Silajdžić, academic and former Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Selma Silajdžić, Bosnian  pop singer, Sri Balamurugan Adimai Swami Of Ratnagiri Temple In Vellore, Mahesh Gagdaji, Chhattisgarh Forest Minister, Rajendra Arlekar, Goa Forest Minister, some esteemed members of European Parliament members, RV Deshpande, Minister of Tourism for Karnataka.

The Art of Living Mahashivratri celebrations were marked by Rudra Puja, an ancient Vedic ceremony, chants, and meditation across 58 locations in India and one location in Nepal.

The Mahashivratri celebrations online as well as on television received over one million views.

"It is wonderful to feel the energy that touches the hearts of everyone," said Veronica Guerrero from Spain. "It's my first Shivratri here. Having the opportunity to connect with so many people in such a sacred atmosphere is a gracious gift for me."

The official Art of Living Android App was also launched on the occasion of Mahashivratri.