
Meditation - then & now

What is meditation?

It was a really long time ago, perhaps not as long as the pre historic age, but at the time when the world’s first scientists (these weren’t like the typical scientists) began by letting their minds become very still. In this quiet space, they discovered amazing things and encountered incredible secrets - about the human body, mind and consciousness. 

They discovered that the way you breathe affects the way you feel, and what you eat affects the way you think. They noticed that to function well, the mind and body need rest. And, that meditation is the deepest rest of all, giving you incredible bundles of energy. They also discovered that while our experiences can cloud our vision, by getting stuck in our minds, meditation can clear this up. So, one can hear, see, and feel more clearly with meditation. 

These scientists shared their discoveries and knowledge with their community. As you know, people in those days did not have Facebook, Twitter or phones. So, this information spread incredibly slowly - from one person to another and one group to another. Over time, what the scientists had learnt got lost and misunderstood - until the secrets were rediscovered and restored by those who have been in the deepest of meditation. Transformed to the modern day, people, who were searching for deeper meaning in life, travelled the globe and learnt that the greatest scientists lived in India.

Who would’ve thought that the work of ancient scientists had the power of transforming our world today?! Meditation is universal, just like you don’t need to be Italian to eat pasta! What if everyone could have a peaceful and clear mind?  What if they could study less and get better grades, or run faster, be smarter, better, stronger, or wiser? 

We are all connected. We can create a better world and that starts with something as simple as closing our eyes, meditating, and feeling a deeper connection with our selves. When we feel good, we treat others around us better, and the cycle continues.


Join a Free workshop on Yoga, Meditation and Breath


So, you see, sometimes, to really open our eyes, we need to close them!

So go ahead, open your eyes to a new world with the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation.

Join the Art of Living meditation program for beginners