What is Online Medha Yoga Level 2?

Mental barriers block the road to success. Medha Yoga Level 2 is a journey to conquer these barriers and find happiness in serving society. It challenges teens to go beyond the pre-conceived notion of their self and expand their abilities, which they are motivated to use for the benefit of themselves and society. With simple processes, knowledge and deep meditations, teens overcome fears and inhibitions and discover their unique strengths. They experience the joy of service, the freedom of silence and the intellectual sharpness that comes from meditation. The program also helps teens develop an attitude of competing with themselves, being a better me than being better than someone else. In the process, the program lays a foundation for a lifetime of success.

Program Elements

Hands-on service to the society: Participants travel and visit villages/ slums to get hands-on experience in serving society. This is supervised by the program faculty. The joy of sharing is explored in a dynamic environment and is blended into one's life. It creates a platform for the youth to delve into themselves and give themselves a chance to bring transformation in society through sharing knowledge and skills.

Games Carnival: Helps them to be independent, think out of the box, stretch their world, imagine and implement ideas. Group activity helps to nurture skills in teamwork.

Mudra pranayamas: Short but powerful breathing techniques to enhance energy in the entire body. Takes just a few minutes daily.

Connect to yourself: Experience the power of silence and meditation and connect to your self. Spend time in introspection and with nature to discover the power and potential that lies within you. Connecting to yourself means cutting out the distractions that keep you from uncovering your voice, your dreams, your goals, and your unshakable core. 

Frequently Asked Questions