
It’s Shivratri every day

2nd of Mar 2011

Shiva is where the mind dissolves. There is no need to go on long pilgrimages to find the Divine.

Be established wherever you are. If you don't find God where you are, then it is not possible to find him elsewhere. The moment you are established, centered, you see that there is Divinity present everywhere. This is meditation.

Shiva is Virupaksha -- one who is formless yet who sees all. We know there's air all around us; we can feel it. But what if the air also starts feeling us? Space is all around us, we identify space. But what if space also recognises and feels our presence? This happens. Only, we don't know it. Scientists know this and they call it the theory of relativity. The one who sees and that which is seen are both affected when seen. The formless Divine, Shiva, is all around you and is seeing you. He is the seer, sight and the seen. To wake-up and experience this Shiva tattva is Shivratri. Read more