
Importance of Imparting Good Sanskaras in Childhood

In a generation of technologically updated educational platforms, it is important than ever for parents to impart good sanskaras to children and keep them grounded. Sanskara denotes mannerisms(behavioural, moral, ethical values) and is an essential building block in forming  a child’s future. You see, children are great observers. They always look at people around them and try to imitate their culture and habits. It’s mostly parents who inculcate these sanskaras in children before sending them off to pursue any formal education. So, parents and elders need to follow what they preach to set the right example for their children. 

“Good moral values are mostly moulded from a place where love, faith, and hope exist.” 

– Arsenio V Manalo Jr

Sanskara is an in-depth impression that gives one the ability to decide right from wrong. Not limited to simply making choices, but also influencing reactions and enabling self-discipline, good sanskaras enhance one’s personality. Let’s look at some of the good sanskaras and the reasons why imparting good sanskaras in childhood is extremely important.

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Good Sanskaras

Here is a list of some good sanskaras:

  1. Folding hands as Namaste or touching the feet of elders to greet

  2. Praying to the Divine/ Meditation (Spirituality)

  3. Eating Healthy Food (Satwik food)

  4. Sitting cross-legged on the mat and eating

  5. Being friendly, polite, and kind to people

  6. Being sociable

  7. Doing own chores

  8. Sharing own stuff with others

  9. Treating everyone with respect (not limited to humans)

  10. Having a good sleep routine

“Spirituality is that which takes you deeper within yourself and also enables you to bring peace and happiness to others around you.”

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Importance of Good Sanskaras in Early Childhood

  1. Enhances Decision Making

When you impart good sanskaras in childhood, children develop their decision-making skills. It can start from something very simple like choosing their attire for the day or deciding which game to play. Such habits give them a better understanding of their wants and needs which in the future helps them immensely. 

“Just as a sapling needs watering to blossom fully, young children need ‘sanskaras’ for nurturing human values.” 

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

  1. Builds Discipline

Good sanskaras like getting up early, following healthy food habits, staying hygienic, and taking off shoes before entering the house are some of the habits that build discipline in children. Have you ever wondered how successful people complete their tasks in a short time  while others feel "time" is a constraint? It is the focus at play that makes a difference. Such focus is also one of the good sanskaras that you can induce in your child early on.


  1. Builds Social and Interpersonal Skills

Being friendly with people, making new friends, and appreciating people for the smallest efforts also come from good sansakaras given in childhood. When you sow the seeds of morals and ethical values in children, they become better communicators, better listeners, and more sociable. This, in turn, enhances their social and interpersonal skills.

  1. Makes them Complacent

With good sanskaras, children become  satisfied and fight their troubles without losing their minds. Even making them pray for a few minutes in their childhood builds in them the humbleness and gratification for life. It further makes them fearless and strong from within. They can find their answers through meditation and mindfulness without getting disturbed by external factors.  

“If every child knows a little about the wisdom from different cultures, the world would be a happier and nicer place.”

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


  1. Teaches them Self-Dependency

Good sanskaras make children self-dependent. Children do their  chores, make their beds, and dress up themselves. It eventually becomes their habit which  slowly evolves into every aspect of their life. They also become grounded, perform better in life and learn to depict a perfect work-life integration. Develop your child’s intuition through a Intuition Process program that enhances their decision making skills and builds the sense to choose the right path for themselves.

  1. Enhances their Self-Confidence

Giving them small responsibilities like offering food to the unfortunate, giving a glass of water to an elder, picking up flowers, etc, and appreciating them enhances their self-confidence. This also creates an ever-lasting impression on them when they grow up. They take on their responsibilities confidently as a student and evolve into an accountable citizen.. When they decide to take on challenging work, they feel prepared for it and give their best.

  1. Makes them Self Aware

Good sanskaras make your children more aware of their wants and needs. They are in a better position to connect with  their mind, body, and spirit and understand the influence of external factors in their lives. They do not get into criticism  when they hit a roadblock but rather work on themselves. Our self-awareness programs bring them inner peace and makes them strong individuals.

  1. Inculcates Compassion in them

When you impart good sanskaras in childhood like empathizing with people in pain or who are unfortunate, this inculcates compassion in them. They try to understand the sentiments of people without criticizing them for their disability. It also makes them count their blessings, practice gratitude, and share their belongings with others with an open  heart. 

  1. Makes them Courageous

Giving children the sanskara to fight their battles (emotional and physical) makes them brave. They don’t fall prey to criticism or bullying. A thriving individual strengthens the bond with society which leads to a happy and prosperous nation.

Lead by Example

Good parenting involves leading your children by example rather than teaching them over and over again. As we know children have an agile mind and remember what they see. In fact, they become what they see. Good sanskaras transform the personalities of children and make them more balanced, happy, and duty conscious. So, in addition to imparting good sanskaras in childhood through preaching, you must show them virtuous actions and understand them

Frequently Asked Questions on Sanskaras

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