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  1. Dear Guruji please tell us what is Dark Energy. You mentioned it in one of your recent satsangs. From the explanations on Google, it is hard to understand.

    There is a whole lot of knowledge about dark energy. The whole universe is full of dark energy. When they say the sun is round, that is because all around the sun is the dark energy that is keeping it round. So all the stars, planets exist in the dark ener ...
  2. Dear Guruji, in the Yogasara Upanishad you have said that the Divine is impersonal. Guru is both, personal and Divine. Can you tell us more about this? How is God impersonal?

    Yes, it is both. Like you are form yet you are formless. Your body has a form but does your mind have a form? No. Similarly this manifests universe is a form of God and the unmanifest consciousness, space, is also a formless form. ...
  3. Gurudev, string theory talks about parallel universes. Can you say something on this?

    Yes, parallel universes are talked about. There are 14 worlds and they are parallel, one inside the other. Right here there could be many universes. The Pitra Loka is not somewhere else, it is right here. That is why our senses only analyze a few t ...
  4. Why did God create the universe? What is the basic purpose behind this?

    Let us give God some space and let me ask you, who created cricket and what is the purpose of cricket? Why do people throw the ball and other people hit it back? (Ans: For entertainment.) For Entertainment! God did the same thing with this u ...
  5. Please talk on the origin of life.

    When we think linearly, we think something should start somewhere and end somewhere. But we should think spherically. Can you tell me where is the beginning point of a tennis ball? No! So when you can’t find the beginning point of a tennis ball, why d ...
  6. Why does the whole existence exist?

    So that you could ask this question and I can answer it! (laughter). Why should it not exist? It is very good. Just keep this question, you will find out the answer one day and then come and tell me your answer. I will tell you whether it is correct o ...
  7. Gurudev, you had said that this universe was created by the union of Prakriti (nature) and Paramatma (Supreme Being/God). So going back to the Paramatma, who is Poorna Anand (supreme and absolute bliss) how did this sankalpa (thought/intention) arise in Him?

    Yes, it is there in the Upanishads that earlier there was only Paramatma and He felt that He was alone, and He wanted to become many, so He became many. The intention happened on its own ‘ekoham bahusyama’. Sankalpa is not a deviation. It is not consi ...
  8. Dear Guruji, I have a question that keeps coming to my mind. We are in the Milky Way. Like this, there are many constellations. Are people living there? Are there possibilities to be born in any of these constellations? Can you share your experience in this?

    Well, I know there are many galaxies but I know very little about them. We can get a glimpse of them but that we cannot prove. If you ask me to prove it to you, I cannot prove. But, I can tell you there are many galaxies, where life is there. This much, a ...
  9. Dearest Guruji, you said that anything that changes is not true, but the universe is changing every moment. Is this also not true?

    If you talk to a quantum physicist that is what he will say. Professor D’Hoore from Germany is one of the greatest scientists of our time and he said something interesting. He said, ‘I studied matter for forty years only to know it doesn’t exist.’