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  1. Gurudev, please explain in detail about parallel universes. Is it true that we exist identically in other universes? Do our actions in this universe will affect our twins in other universes? How can we gain access to other universes?

    You have plenty of access to this universe to work with. So let’s keep ourselves concerned with this universe for now. Let's do something good in this universe. Let us not only think – ‘what about me?’ all the time. This world is on fire (in strife and pai ...
  2. Gurudev, can you please talk a little more about the sound/alphabet meditation?

    That is the meditation that we did today, where you can’t go to Ka without Aa. So, you went to the very source where the sound arose, right? What happened at that time? Stillness! The mind became totally still at that moment. Thus, we went to ...
  3. Gurudev, which is your favorite book?

    I usually don’t read books. Human mind is my favorite book, or the universe. ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, if every formless is Shiva and every form is Shakti, then what is breath, which is both form and formless?

    Yes, the formless is Shiva and the form is Shakti. You can define it in any manner. Prana (life force energy obtained from breath) is also known as Mukhyaprana. Hanuman is connected with prana, air (Vayu Tattva) is con ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, can you please talk about the effects of the three meditations held on 12.12.12 on humanity, the earth and the universe?

    See, you cannot measure the effect of meditation by limited parameters. It goes beyond our known parameters. The effect is definitely there and time will tell that effect. ...
  6. Dear Gurudev, according to the Vedic scriptures, the whole world is an illusion, including the Galaxy, Universe, etc. I am not able to comprehend this. If you could please explain this further.

    Yes, it is obvious. If you study quantum physics, it says the same thing. The name and shapes of objects is not real, what is real is that they are all part of One Wave Function. Everything is made up of One energy. This is what the Vedanta alw ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, according to the Vedic scriptures, the whole world is an illusion, including the Galaxy, Universe, etc. I am not able to comprehend this. If you could please explain this further.

    Yes, it is obvious. If you study quantum physics, it says the same thing. The name and shapes of objects is not real, what is real is that they are all part of One Wave Function. Everything is made up of One energy. This is what the Vedanta always sai ...
  8. Gurudev, can you please throw some light on the recently discovered God particle?

    In the discovery of the God particle, the scientists say that the entire universe is made up of one substance, one thing, and the one thing then became many. Vedanta also says the same thing. In the olden days, they said that the whole universe is mad ...
  9. (A member of the audience asked a question spontaneously which was inaudible in the recording)

    Yes because God Particle is in Dark Energy only. Nothing is out of Dark Energy. Dark matter and Dark energy is what exists, and all these light bubbles are like drops on a sheet of paper. Suppose you have a plastic sheet and you put a few drops ...
  10. Is the soul beyond time or not? Why do we say that 100 years on Earth (Prithvi Loka) is equal to one day in the world of our ancestors (Pitru Loka)?

    That is how it is. One year of our life is equal to one day for them (ancestors). This is what is written in the scriptures. We have all gone to Pitru Loka and have returned back but we don’t remember that time. You do not have realization of the ti ...