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  1. What are your thoughts on a one world government and a one world family?

    A one world family is what is most practical right now. I leave it to the politicians to think about a one world government. They have established The World Bank, but for a one world government I don’t think any politician will be ready for that, as of ...
  2. Gurudev, even though we are from different parts of the world, our basics are the same. We all want peace and happiness. But what I feel is that we are working on the surface level and the core issues are not being addressed.

    Well, first of all we need to identify what are the core issues. It is different in different parts of the world. Somewhere it is poverty, somewhere it is wrong indoctrination, somewhere it is lack of opportunity for people, somewhere it is the selfis ...
  3. There are extremities in nature. There is a lot of violence in the society. How do we handle this situation?

    That’s why we have taken up this job. Good people are all sleeping. In this Kaliyug, there are just twenty percent bad people but good-hearted people are all sleeping. If the good people wake up, a lot of transformation will happen. ...
  4. Gurudev, I want to know your views on 21/12/2012. A Japanese princess and several other sources on the internet have mentioned that there will be three days of darkness. What is the truth?

    You know Dr. D. K. Hari has written a book and yesterday I released the book – 2012. Just pick up the book. It should also be available online. He has mentioned a very scientific analysis on 2012 and what it really means and how the Mayans got their calend ...
  5. Are you focusing on all the countries on Earth or only on a few of them?

    As much as we can, we focus our attention where ever possible and we extend our hands. ...
  6. There are a lot of questions about 2012, whether we will still exist?

    Definitely! It is only in the movies that everything goes down the water. Everything will continue, don’t worry! ...
  7. Gurudev, how can we bring more spirituality to Europe?

    We must all think how we can bring more spirituality to Europe. We will do everything possible to bring spirituality to Europe. 130 members of Parliament learnt the Art of Living course in Mexico. A lot of work is happening everywhere. ...
  8. Though India had so much of spiritual wealth for a long period of time, how come India was invaded under the British rule for so many years? Is there a spiritual significance for this?

    Yes, the wheel of change takes over. When autumn comes, the leaves change colour and in winter the leaves drop from the trees, but the tree remains. In the same way, in Kalyuga there was a downfall. It happened to almost every country. If you wa ...
  9. Does the colour of our clothes and their shape have an effect on the mind. Are some colours good and others bad?

    No, all colours are acceptable. The world is appealing only when it is colourful. Astrologers might recommend that you wear certain colours in order to achieve success, but more important than colours is your self confidence. Have faith in your confidence. ...
  10. Accept the world at its worst

    Suppose the worst of the world is given to you; what would you do with it now? You cannot complain if you get the worst. You can only complain if you don't get the worst. If the world is at its worst, then it can only get better and you are here to m ...