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  1. Do you think the world is becoming a better place?

    In parts yes, in parts no. You can’t generalize. If you say, 'It’s bright here', yes it is bright here in D.C, but it’s dark somewhere else in the world. So things are getting better in some places, and things are becoming bad ...
  2. Do you think world citizens are closer or further from the virtues of trust and compassion with the advent of modern technology and entertainment?

    You must know that there are a lot of people in the world who have not even seen a cell phone, or a television, so you can’t generalize this. As I said, if you move around the world you will find different types of people. They are people who are livi ...
  3. What role can I play in the transformation of Ukraine. I want to stand up for peace and happiness, and remove corruption?

    All that we can do that is in our capacity to do, we must do. In fact we should do a little bit more than what we think we can do to bring peace.Corruption is a very serious issue all over the world. Create more awareness among people, and together ...
  4. Gurudev, You have mentioned that present moment is infinite. It is both vast and deep. Can you please shed light on the vastness and depth of the present moment? Is it that lot of things are happening at the same time is what is meant by the vastness of the present moment?

    Yes, that is what it is. Just like the sky. We often say – ‘The sky is the limit’, is it not so? What does it mean? It means the sky is limitless. The ocean has a bottom but the sky does not have a top. It has no end. It is endless and beginning-less. That ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, this world is so selfish. People only value money. How to find true love?

    Come on, don’t say that. In the world there are all kinds of people. Don’t blame or label the whole world as selfish. That is not fair. You know, there are good people on the planet. In fact, in big numbers. The cheats are only a small number. Sup ...
  6. If the soul never dies then how is the population on this planet increasing?

    Many animal species are disappearing from the Earth. Snakes, insects, lions, etc., are disappearing from the Earth. The population of donkeys is also reducing! You don’t see as many monkeys around as there were earlier. The forests are being uprooted and c ...
  7. Dear Guruji, it is said that during the time of the Mahabharata, technology was much more advanced than it is now. What happened? Where did all the progress and advancement disappear? How do we move backward?

    Well, this is a cycle in nature. Everything goes in cycles. There were dinosaurs on this planet, and there were big birds which could be trained. On the back of these big birds they used to build mantaps (halls) and train the birds to go places ...
  8. If the creator is real then how can this world which is part of the creator be an illusion?

    What does illusion mean? Illusion means appears to be. See in a hologram, all the figures appear. In the hologram all the rays are real, but the figures are temporary. They are not the real existence. Do you understand what I’m saying? Actually t ...
  9. It is great having this silence course and learning about truth and life. When we go back to the real world all the stresses and negativity surround us again, how to tackle that?

    Actually this is the real world. You have to coin this separately. This is the real world and when you go there, that is just your visiting place. That is your transit lounge and this is your home. Do you know what Adi Shankaracharya said in Bhaj ...