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  1. Gurudev, you often tell us ‘Antar Mukhi Sada Sukhi’. Is it possible to be like this in today’s world?

    Listen, you are living in the world, and still you sleep everyday for some time. Similarly, if for a little while every day you meditate and go inward then you will see such peace arising from within you. This will help you in your day to day life. So it i ...
  2. Gurudev, what happens to you in meditation and what should happen to me when I meditate?

    This is the problem. When you read about what happened to someone else in meditation then you sit and expect the same to happen to you and so you will never have meditation. Just sit and do nothing. ...
  3. Gurudev, to retain the state acquired in meditation, what should I do?

    Just keep doing what you are doing now. You have to continue doing it, again and again. ‘Baar baar Raghuveer samai’: Again and again meditate. So do meditation, sadhana and satsang and talk about it as well. Anything that is in your speech, the mind a ...
  4. Guruji there are many different sadhanas, many practices, poojas, asanas, meditations, chantings, and prayers. How do we know which one is the best and when?

    Meditation is best. Everything has its significance. Everything has its own value, but in meditation you become so quiet, you become so deep. That uplifts you and brings value to chanting, to pooja, and to everything. Service and everything becomes mo ...
  5. Gurudev, is meditation the only way to realising truth?

    Meditation is like water to the thirsty. Meditation is the way for inner peace, for upliftment of the spirit. If you ask me, ‘Is water the only way to quench the thirst? Is food the only way to satisfy the hunger?’ What should I say? Yes! ‘Is sleep th ...
  6. Dear Guruji, sometimes I see my friends in a state of depression. They don’t believe in Art of Living, in meditation or breathing techniques. Can I take their pain and pass it on to you? Is it possible? I know you are the champion in resolving problems.

    Yes. But why don’t you pray that they get the sense to start meditating? You can do that. You can relieve them by blessing their pain and suffering, but that is not a permanent solution because they may get back into it again. But if you pray for ...
  7. When you meditate, is the aim not to think of anything?

    Correct, you just be with the instructions and you will get that deeper experience. You are not trying to think or focus on anything; just be. ...
  8. What is the difference between sleep and meditation?

    Sleep is dullness, meditation is awareness. Both give rest but a different quality of rest. After meditation when you come out, you feel very soft and very nice in your whole body and mind. After sleep you could feel a little heavy and a little dull. Could ...