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  1. Sometimes my transition from meditation to work is really hard to adjust to. At times I get agitated and I react and regret later. Please guide me for a smooth transition from meditation to activity.

    A little bit of yoga, pranayama, exercise and some singing and chanting, all these will help bridge that gap and will bring inner peace and external activity. ...
  2. When we sit for meditation, do we necessarily experience a moment of transcendence and peace for a few minutes in every meditation?

    There are no criteria I tell you. It can happen anywhere, anytime, or it may not even happen. If you have eaten the wrong food or you feel very agitated then sometimes it may not happen. But never mind, sitting for meditation is important. Even if you ...
  3. Why is it that 10 minutes of meditation gives me more energy than 8 or 10 hours of sleep?

    That is how it is. Meditation gives you a different kind of energy. Food gives you a different kind of energy. Sleep gives you a different kind of energy. Exercise gives you a different kind of energy. Knowledge gives you a different kind of energy, a ...
  4. How does one go about leaving this realm of consciousness and entering different realms of spiritual and mental understanding? What is the best way to move past the physical world?

    This is the fifth aspect which I said, knowledge! You don’t have to leave things here and go, being here, amidst all the noise, still recognize that beauty, that thing that’s so beautiful, so wonderful, so fascinating, right here and now! But that rig ...
  5. I have heard that after years of meditation that one’s whole life becomes a constant meditation. Can you explain this?

    Yes! That inner calmness stays whatever you do. You may be walking, talking, eating, chitchatting, watching news, and there is that certain serenity which continues. You get so used to it. It doesn’t leave you. But again, ‘When will I get this sort o ...
  6. After meditating for a while I have become aware of my patterns of reactions, such as defensiveness and anger. How do I get myself to react differently?

    Now disown all that you think are your patterns, let them be. If you start identifying that my patterns are like this, I am always angry, I am always defensive, then you are latching onto the past or some patterns. So disown them. They were there yest ...
  7. During meditation, my mind becomes silent but I haven’t been able to transcend or go beyond my mind. Am I trying too hard?

    Yes, you should not try to go beyond the mind. For your own sake don’t do anything, just let it be, okay. If you are on a massage table, what do you do? You just let the masseur take care of you. The masseur does the job and you do nothing. Same in me ...
  8. Dear Guruji, I had a beautiful meditation where I was aware but had no sensation in my body. There was only ‘I Am’ and then my body jerked and I was back. What happened?

    It is good, you had a glimpse of that inner state, the consciousness that you are. That is normal and that is good. But now don’t sit and try to have the same experience tomorrow. ‘Today I want to experience that same state that I experienced yesterday. I ...
  9. How to quiet the voice inside my head while meditating?

    There are several things you can do about it. First is accepting it and not fighting with it. When you fight with it and feel that you should not have this noise and you want to get rid of it, the more you want to get rid of it the more it will stick ...
  10. Pravritti Nivritti

    Life is a combination of Pravritti and Nivritti. There are two attitudes that we have to pay attention to. One is, when we go inward, we say, ‘Everything is okay; anyway not a blade of grass moves without Divine intervention. God has kept us like this, so ...