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  1. What are parenting tips for preschoolers?

    We as parents always wish that our preschooler waves ‘bye-bye’ to his/her father without the background sounds of sobs and cries! Parents hope that their children obey them, are keen on attending school daily, get along well with friends, and have proper ...
  2. 10 Inspirational parenting quotes

    Parenting is rewarding, but sometimes it drains your energy for the silliest reason. I call it ‘silliest’ as things could have been avoided or resolved in a better way through improved understanding and mutual trust between you and your children.  Gurudev ...
  3. Does strict parenting lead to a rebellious child?

    Research on rebellious children Over 60% of young children agreed that overly strict family rules were one of the major factors in their rebellious behavior. Psychological reasons  The desire to conform to peer groups, explore their identity, assert contr ...
  4. How to tell stories to your kid

    My father would start a story in an interesting way and weave the story up to its climax. Whichever scene was at the climax, he would continue with a sound on and on. For instance, “The king is riding on the horse clop, clop, clop, clop… (the hollow sound ...
  5. Why is it easier raising a toddler than a teenager | The Art of Living India

    When my daughter was a toddler, I would go to the washroom only when someone was to take care of her. Why? Because at one moment, she would be playing here and the next moment she would be mischieving somewhere else. A family friend rightly named her “Uch ...
  6. How to raise happy kids?

    When you are raising a child, you are in a way raising a parent within you. If you are successful in raising yourself as a happy parent, you can be more than sure that you will raise a happy child.  Usually, children in their childhood are influenced more ...
  7. 3 shlokas from Bhagavad Gita for parenting

    I was four months pregnant the first time I read the Bhagavad Gita. I wondered why my mother-in-law insisted I read holy scriptures like Vedas, Ramayana, Puranas and Bhagavad Gita. Towards the end of Chapter 1, I knew I was doing the right thing at the ri ...
  8. Is parenting ideal in India

    In recent times, parenting is being looked at from a wider perspective. Parenting is not just providing the necessities of life to your offspring but much more than that. In India, it has generally been value-based from ancient times. A mix of authoritati ...
  9. What to do if your child is being bullied?

    Bullies have always been a part of society- be it on the playground, in school, the workplace, and now even on the internet. Bullying can take up physical or psychological forms. It can happen at any age. And at every age, it is disturbing. Yet, the young ...
  10. 7 easy ways that can improve intuition

      Every child has an inherent intuitive ability that brings forth the right thought at the right moment and helps take the right decision or action. This ability has to be nurtured with time and due to stress, it tends to blur or deplete. Every invention ...