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  1. Adventures of an ‘unplugged’ parent

    Dabbling in the world of unplugged parenting Let me start at the beginning. It all began with the Big Fight, a face-off between my 10-year-old and me. He insisted he was ready to be an adult, and I was certainly not ready for it. The irritation at his beh ...
  2. 7 Healthy Snacks For Kids To Eat After School

    Yay! Summer is approaching – sun, holidays, color all around. Such a welcome change after those cold, gloomy, wintry months… But, wait. Before you dance a jig, remember that summer also means ever-ravenous and cranky children who are never quite full. If ...
  3. Yoga Workouts For Teens: Benefits For The Growing Mind & Body

    Teenage years are turbulent, with all the hormones raging and mind in confusion. The practise of yoga has shown to help teenagers be more stable and calm through these turbulent years. Yoga quells the fluctuations of the mind, according to the Yoga Sutras ...
  4. Yoga for kids- Easy Yoga Poses for Kids

    Picture this. Mountains tumbling into head stands. Head stands morphing into speeding cycles. Bridges collapsing into roaring lions. Sounds like a CGI movie? Actually they’re nothing but scenes from a normal household where a child plays the lead role. He ...
  5. 9 coolest tips for parents to beat the exam stress

    Exam times can give butterflies to even the coolest parents. “Dear daddies and mommies! Along with children, you must also unwind, reinvigorate and plunge into action.”  Hard-pressed for time, parents have full plates. During exam times, they just spillov ...
  6. Why school children should do Surya Namaskar

    Do you know who the best yoga teacher in town is? No? Take a look at children and you’ll be surprised to find how well they can do those postures that you struggle with on the yoga mat. From an infant to a toddler to a second-grader, children do yoga all ...
  7. Best Yoga Poses for Kids

    Do you know who the best yoga teacher in town is? No? Take a look at children and you’ll be surprised to find how well they can do those postures that you struggle with on the yoga mat. From an infant to a toddler to a second-grader, children do yoga all ...
  8. Tips for Dads – (Part 2 – Children between years 2 to 4)

    This is continued from   Tips for dads (Part-1) Being A Single Father... After two years, I separated with and then split with my wife. Now I’m not telling you to go out and get a divorce too, but surprisingly I have got much closer to my daughter as a re ...
  9. Tips for Dads – (Part 3 – Children of age 5 years and above)

    This is continued from Tips for Dads (part-2) Extending Your Family… So, in Natasha’s early childhood, she has had a lot of "quality time" with her parents. But on the other hand, she extends her love to a much wider circle. She really does have ...