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  1. How to celebrate the new year like a spiritual yogi

    2020 has been everything that none of us expected it to be when it started. Now, as the year comes to an end, we are not exactly the same people as when 2020 began. Many of us had the time to reflect, rewind, and take self-care as a priority, turning us t ...
  2. 2020 in review: Top 15 life lessons learned in 2020

    Essentially, 2020 was the year of the pandemic, and Covid-19. ‘Pandemic’ has also been chosen as Word of the Year by and Merriam-Webster, while the Cambridge Dictionary chose ‘quarantine’. In a sense, almost nothing happened this year, exce ...
  3. 9 Inspirational Quotes for women

    The Indian scriptures place tremendous emphasis on the power of women. The primordial energy known as Shakti, which is the life force behind the whole creation, is feminine. That is why our scriptures honor women as the highest aspect of divinity- the Aad ...
  4. 7 myths about spirituality debunked

    During my childhood and teenage years, I woke up to Jain bhajans playing on our tape recorder every morning. It was my mother’s ritual. She wanted the family to start their day with sweet adulations to the divine. In hindsight, it was a spiritual househol ...
  5. 7 Motivational Quotes on Hope: Suicide Prevention

    According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), close to 800,000 people die by suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. While life can throw challenges our way, taking our own life is an extreme step. Here are 7 quotes from Gurudev whic ...
  6. India’s 7 Great Strengths

    The uniqueness of India is that it has survived the test of time in which many civilisations have perished. One wonders how India has not only withstood centuries of invasion and plunder, but also continues to survive onslaughts in today’s times from seri ...
  7. 6 Best Quotes on Friendship

    There is a famous saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed! True friends can be a great source of inspiration and can take you to greatness in life. If you ask yourself what is that you want from your friend, you will find there is really nothing. ...
  8. 9 Inspiring Quotes About Life

    If you had to put a price label on your life, how much would it be? The question might sound absolutely absurd but the reality is that we seldom recognize how valuable our life is.  We sell our happiness for peanuts, we sell our smile for pennies. And it’ ...
  9. 10 inspiring quotes on failure & bouncing back

    When we take up any task, there are two possible outcomes. Either we are successful in the endeavor or fail. Yet how often are we prepared to fail? Rarely! We are brought up with the mental conditioning that it is bad to fail. Just look back at your failu ...
  10. #OpenUpInLockdown: Secrets to overcoming fatigue

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the different types of tiredness & ways to overcome them  Are you tired? Tired of what? Before the lockdown, you were tired of work, speaking, going to shops. Your children tire you, your spouse, and friends tire you to ...