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  1. The Diary of a Psychologist

    This is a 5-part series by Dr. Richa Chopra. The string of articles roots itself onto a series of structured ‘Spiritual Interventions’ observed by Dr. Chopra. She is a Western-schooled Child Developmental Psychologist (Ph.D.), studying a wide range of cro ...
  2. Key takeaways on life & leadership from Bhagavad Gita’s chapter 14

    It was a great honor for me to participate in the three-day commentary on chapter 14 of our ancient text, the Bhagavad Gita by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar earlier this month. This text has been used universally by people around the world to draw out wisd ...
  3. 5 Ways to Health, Grandma Style

    Fashion trends come full circle and we often see old style statements coming into vogue again, don't we? Likewise it is time to wipe the dust off the health secrets of our grandmothers and get back to our basics. Don't worry. We won't ask y ...
  4. How to be a truly inspirational leader

    Revisiting 4 Qualities Dear Readers, How are you? Your feedback and responses continue to inspire me. It’s overwhelming to know that you are finding great value and learning through the 8-part series- ‘How to be a truly inspirational leader’. This is a li ...
  5. How to be a truly inspirational leader

    Part 4- Reward & Reprimand: Adequately & In Time (This is an 8-part series on leadership by Rajita Bagga.) Dear Readers, We are in the fourth week of our partnership, working on the qualities of being a truly inspirational leader. It’s been great ...
  6. How to be a truly inspirational leader

    Part 3- Own It Up (This is an 8-part series on leadership by Rajita Bagga.) Dear Readers It’s lovely to be back with all of you again. Hope you had a wonderful week. I had a great one myself too. I celebrated my birthday last week and it was so lovely to ...
  7. A love story, living within you

    Theirs is a relationship to end all relationship, a perfect one. It has understanding, love, constant communication, and they’ve even got each other’s backs. An eternal love story, so as to say, starring the brain and the gut. Here’s why: Talk to me: Comm ...
  8. How to be a truly inspirational leader

    Part 2- No Double Standards (This is an 8-part series on leadership by Rajita Bagga.) Dear readers, It’s great to be back with you in week 2! How was your week? I had a memorable and busy week, celebrating the 7th Commencement Day of Sri Sri University. C ...
  9. Intermittent fasting benefits

    Some sights stay frozen in memories – like a vintage photograph, greying and curling along the edges. The colours might have gotten dimmer. However, the image remains untouched by time. Who knew that one such memory that most of us would have of our grand ...
  10. How to be a truly inspirational leader

    Part 1- Walk The Talk (This is an 8-part series on leadership by Rajita Bagga.)  Everyone wants to be a leader. In a traditional sense, you are a leader only when someone follows you! But why should anyone follow you? What qualities, values do you radiate ...