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  1. (A member of the audience asked a question which was inaudible).

    You are love. Drop this guilt. I want to tell you one story. This is the story from the life of Lord Buddha. It also includes forgiveness.   One day Buddha was giving a sermon and conducting a meditation. One gentlemen came from the ...
  2. Gurdev, I am getting distracted and disturbed by lot of comments and behavior of others. I am unable to let go. Please help me.

    If it is so difficult to let go, then just hold on to it tight, I tell you. All the comments that others make about you, note it down, print it, and repeat it every day to yourself in the morning, afternoon and evening. Without that, don’t have br ...
  3. All the knowledge that I have listened to, seems to vanish out of my being when my mother-in-law comes to visit. How can one forget and forgive someone who is constantly behaving in a harsh manner? Please give the advice to the mother-in-law.

    Listen, I want you to just take a look at how your mother behaves. How many times did you have arguments with your own mother, and how many times was she frustrated with you? Haven’t you gotten scolding from your own mother? I don’t think an ...
  4. Why do we have guilt?

    It is good to have a little bit of guilt, not too much. That little guilt can prevent you from committing the same mistake again. What is guilt? Intellectually you know an action to be bad, but you have a temptation to do that action because it ...
  5. Dearest Gurudev, what to do when suddenly one experiences a state of emptiness? What to do when all meanings fade away? Please bless me!

    Yes, bless you! All these feelings and emotions come and go. Sometimes you feel so dry like everything has disappeared. All your good feelings: love, dedication suddenly go away; but suddenly they appear too. So these are just passing phases in life, ju ...
  6. This natural calamity has brought a lot of disaster around, but it has also brought about a spirit of oneness and belongingness. How can we maintain it?

    You know, feelings cannot be maintained. You cannot have the same feelings all through. Feelings are like waves, they come and go. They come up and go down. So, you should not worry about maintaining the feelings or oneness. Just take it for granted that t ...
  7. Gurudev, I feel free in certain areas, and in certain aspects I feel bound. The more efforts I put to be free, the more bound I feel. How can I be free?

    I think you have too much free time. Get busy and keep working for the betterment of the world and you will see that all your personal issues and emotional issues will get resolved by themselves.Don’t waste time in thinking, what about ...
  8. Gurudev, it has only been a few months since I got connected to you, and you have already made me crazily in love with you. Can I get all the love I lost over these past years? I wish to cover up the backlog.

    Our bond of love is ancient. The heart takes pride in the old. It runs towards the old, the ancient, while the mind on the other hand is attracted towards the new. For example our mind gets attracted towards the latest clothes, latest scientific discoverie ...
  9. Dear Gurudev, when someone insults me, I simply accept it with a feeling of love, and I do not retaliate. Am I in some way encouraging injustice by doing this?

    Yes, we must never support injustice. You can forgive them once or twice. But if they do this repeatedly, then you should stand up against them and show them what they are doing is wrong and bring them to the right path. But you should do this with ch ...
  10. Can we control feelings?

    We can transcend feelings easily when we know that there is something which is much more basic to life than feelings, and that is the self; the life force, which is not changing at all. ...