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  1. Gurudev, please tell me about Moksha.

    Whatever desires you have in life, finish them before you die. There should be one moment when you feel, ‘I don't want anything’ – This is Moksha. There is no need to die to attain Moksha. Before you die you should feel contended. ...
  2. Gurudev, they say that one cannot attain heaven without dying. Is it necessary to die to attain Moksha (liberation)?

    Who said so? If while living you could not experience heaven then how will you experience it after death? Even after death you will not experience it. If while living you could not learn to smile, to be happy and joyful, then what will you learn afte ...
  3. When I do not know much about liberation how will I get the desire to be liberated?

    When you feel the bondage only then will you desire for liberation. When you are happy and you do not feel any bondage, then the desire for liberation will not come. One who does not wish for happiness gets liberation, and one who does not even desire ...
  4. Gurudev, what is liberation? Why do people seek it, and from what are people seeking liberation?

    Suppose you are made to sit on a chair for 10 hours, and you are ordered, ‘You should not get up from the chair.’ You say, ‘Please, my legs have gone to sleep. Please can I wake them up?’ Will you say this or not? That is seeking liberation. You just ...