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  1. Gurudev, the desire for Moksha (liberation) is itself a desire itself and is a necessity too. But as long as there are desires, one cannot realize God. Please guide.

    It is very natural to have a desire for liberation. After all your desires are fulfilled, it is only this one that remains. In a state of total surrender; in a state of Samadhi (a sta ...
  2. How do we get rid of our mind after death?

    There is no way you can get rid of it. If you want to know how to get rid of the mind, it can happen only when you have a body. You can’t get rid of the mind afterwards. ...
  3. How does one come out of the cycle of birth and death?

    Why do you want to come out of it? Because you find it miserable, right? But when life is blissful, then you coming back to the planet will help a lot of people on this planet in the future. So why shouldn’t you come back? Suppose I come back next ti ...
  4. Gurudev, it is said that chanting the name of Narayana (Lord Vishnu) in the last moments of our life brings one liberation. Is it true that the last act of life is the strongest in determining our way forward?

    Yes, it is true. It is at the time of death that the mind separates from the body. So at this time, whatever impression one bears in the mind become the reason for the next birth. This is a scientific truth. You can see this for yourself. If you obser ...
  5. If we study law, there is a guarantee of becoming a lawyer. If we study engineering, there is a guarantee of becoming an engineer if we put in our efforts. However, there is no guarantee of getting liberation if we keep doing our Sadhana and keep walking this path.

    It is definitely guaranteed. Arjuna asks the same question in the Bhagavad Gita. So, Lord Krishna replies, ‘Na hi kalyana-krt kascid durgatim tata gacchati’, (Chapter 6, Verse 40). For one who walks the spiritual path, you wi ...
  6. In the Ashtavakra Gita, it says, ‘You can go on reading scriptures, but you will get liberation only when you forget the scriptures.’ So then what is the purpose of reading the scriptures?

    See, you get into a bus, but then you also need to get out of the bus. Now if you argue with me that, ‘If I have to get out of the bus then why should I get into the bus?’ You get into the bus from somewhere else and you get out from somewhere el ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, besides practicing Sadhana, how can we make sure we do not come back again and again, and get liberated.

    Contentment! Satisfaction! Everything you do, do it happily with contentment. You have done today’s work and you are contented. And whatever work you do tomorrow, do with contentment. Every moment in life, live with contentment, and that bri ...
  8. Gurudev, there is a saying that a seeker should not mistake understanding for realization, and realization for liberation. Can you please explain this?

    Who said this? I do not have the habit of commenting on someone else’s sayings. Understanding is intellectual. Experience is subtler than that. And beyond experience is liberation – when you know you are not the experience but the experiencer