Sunita Tambe Honoured with Samaj Bhushan Award for Social Service

The Art of Living’s Sunita Tambe has done magnificent work in around 50 villages of Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra. She has touched the lives of thousands of people through Art of Living programs. The Human Rights Commission has recognized her work by conferring the Samaj Bhushan Award on her. She has worked incessantly for the past 10 years, and has strived to bring happiness and health to the residents of the district.

At the age of 25, Sunita was separated from her husband and had no hopes for her future. She wanted to end her life fearing the stigma attached to such women and her family. But her brother advised her to take up Art of Living’s Happiness Program. After experiencing Sudarshan Kriya, she wanted to continue doing it for the rest of her life.

Inspired by the outcome, she organized a similar event in her village for more than 50 people. Soon, she spread the work in the surrounding villages, and Art of Living activities became more regular. She overcame depression and wanted to help several others.

With the help of some local volunteers, Sunita organized 60 Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP). It is a 10-day residential program that helps youngsters de-stress and builds their confidence. Workshops focus on improving communication skills and personality development. The programs reach out to nearly 3000 youth in the surrounding villages.

Happiness programs are conducted for students who are 18 and above. Children can participate in the Art Excel program, and there is a special Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES) for those below 18 years. Sunita has reached out to more than 4000 children and youth through these programs. “I never cared for the hot sun, rain, cold weather or any other situation. I just continued travelling to reach out to new villages every week.”

“I go to villages, meet people and tell them about the importance of yoga and meditation in keeping fit. I fix a venue and conduct a program. This has been my routine for the past several years.” Sunita is happy that many volunteers are now helping her to continue her services. She conducts Bal Chetna and Nav Chetna programs for free, and reaches out to thousands through pranayama and meditation. She has also conducted health and hygiene awareness workshops.

In and around Shirdi, Sunita has been able to make a bigger impact by making the parents understand the importance of pranayama and values in the lives of their children, which is inculcated by SSRVM (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Vidya Mandir School). As a result, a school was started in Shirdi in 2013, and 160 students are benefiting from it. Sunita is one of the trustees of the school, which imparts holistic education to the children. More than 10 Art Excel programs have been organized for children, which highlighted the problem of female feticide, and encouraged them to spread the message of saving the girl child.

Sunita has taught in orphanages, special schools and military schools in these areas. She organizes drawing competitions and sponsors sports kits and tracksuits for the winners from time to time. “My parents are proud of me. If my marriage had been a success, I could not have done whatever I have done now. My mother feels that I was destined to do something big in life.”

As a recipient of the Samaj Bhushan award, Sunita gives all credit to Gurudev, who created and designed a program that not only motivated her to live but also gave her a mission and goal in her life.

Sunita  Tambe who got 'Manvadhikar Samaj Bhushan Award' for her services in the society can be reached at +91 9970631558.