7. Not just money, whatever supports life is wealth

What is Samadhi?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

There are different types of Samadhi.

1 Laya Samadhi - Just listening to music you dive deep
2 Sakshi Samadhi - Mindful awareness
If you do too much, that also is not good. That is why one should sit with a teacher and take guidance.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:When somebody leaves the body we realize the magnitude of life. A person, who was there, is no more. It brings a depth to life One starts wondering - what is life? Where did the person go? It gives a depth to life, there is no point in brooding. Yes, tears, come you don’t need to suppress them. But there is no need to brood over it.
In the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna talks about all the good qualities. And then He adds that they are already in you. Negative qualities have come because of company etc. You don't need to get positive qualities. Just like in an atom, the core is positive and the negativity is peripheral If you feel that deep inside you is sorrow or anger then you can never get rid of it. Don’t ever think deep inside you is sorrow or anger. Modern psychology sometimes says this sorrow is deep inside you. It’s wrong. They know nothing about consciousness. Negativity is not skin deep. Know that it’s not in the core.