3 Jan 2012 - QA 9

How do I know if the woman in my heart really loves me 100%?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I have no idea, nor do you have any idea. Just take a chance. Even if it is 90%, it is good enough.
Suppose someone asks you the same question, what would you say? You cannot guarantee your own love to someone 100%. May be this moment, yes, but what is the guarantee next month. I tell you, you cannot guarantee your own mind. You don’t know your own mind. How do you expect someone to know someone else’s mind? When you have no control over your own mind, you try to control somebody else’s mind. It’s impossible!
Just know one thing; whatever is yours will always be yours. Whatever moves away from you was never yours even before.
This is a very good proverb, ‘Whatever is yours will always be yours. Anything that goes away was never yours.’
So, if you know this, you will be at peace.

If you feel freedom from within, and feel the peace, then the whole world belongs to you. Everyone is yours. But the lack of it, however hard you try to own somebody, they will just slip away.
That is why this spiritual knowledge is so essential. This knowledge can not only bring you the inner strength, but also make you the centre of your universe. You will be so centered, and everything will come to you naturally.

In the 2nd chapter of Bhagavad Gita, there is a beautiful verse that says, ‘One who is established in the higher consciousness, all the desires and all the fulfillment will come towards him like the river flows to the ocean.’
How natural, isn’t it? All the rivers, they flow into the ocean. In the same way, all the desires get fulfilled into one who is a Yogi.
That is why, do yoga, meditation and be in the spiritual knowledge. Then everything will come to you. Not to the one who is galloping behind desires. To that person, who gallops, runs behind desires, nothing gets into their hands.
So, let go and take refuge in the quiet corner of your heart. Then everything will be yours. This is very true.