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  1. Practice Groups | The Art of Living

    HTML field:  Группы для Практики Сударшан Крии Присоединись к Дргуим & Углубите Свою Практику Найти Группу Для Практики Icon:  Насладись компанией позитивного, духовного окружения Icon:  Обсудите знание для поддержания спокойствия ума Icon:  Освежите ...
  2. Research on Sahaj Samadhi Meditation

    RESEARCH Research on Meditation From the cover of Time Magazine to more than 3,000 scientific studies, the benefits of meditation are becoming common knowledge. The Art of Living teaches a meditation technique called Sahaj Samadhi which has been shown in ...
  3. Art of Living Teacher Training

    Art of Living Teacher Training Become an Art of Living Teacher Deepen your wisdom Build inner strength Develop skills to uplift your community Find a Program Near You Art of Living Teacher Training Deepen your wisdom Build inner strength Develop skills to ...
  4. Research on Sudarshan Kriya

    RESEARCH Research on Sudarshan Kriya™ Yoga (SKY) Discover the power of Art of Living's breathing exercises 70 independent studies on Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) From reducing stress to getting better rest, these techniques have a demonstrated measurab ...
  5. Sri Sri Yoga Teacher Training

    Sri Sri Yoga Teacher Training Course Become a Sri Sri Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance 200H & 500H) Find a Program Near You HTML field:  STRETCH Yourself and REACH Your Potential The Sri Sri Yoga Teacher Training Certification programs are an excellent opp ...
  6. Volunteer Training

    Volunteer Training Enhance Your Leadership, Teamwork and Communication Skills Find a Volunteer Training Near You The Volunteer / Pre-Teacher Training is an intensive program which empowers you with the knowledge and confidence to become dynamic speakers a ...
  7. Introductory Sessions

    Вводные Занятия Получите представление о Программе Счастье Найти Занятие Поблизости Get a taste of the Happiness Program Find a Session Near You Все мы хотим счастья, но как его достичь? Приходите узнать, как это сделать, на веселой, интерактивной и инфор ...
  8. Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Teacher Training

    Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Teacher Training Become a Meditation Teacher Find a Program Near You If you love to meditate, and you love people, inevitably you will want to become a meditation teacher. If you have learned Sahaj Samadhi Meditation, you have alr ...
  9. Sahaj

    Is Your Meditation Effortless, Enjoyable and Effective? Introducing Sahaj Samadhi Meditation: Experience Deep Inner Peace-the State of Samadhi Increase Self-Awareness, Clarity and Creativity Become Fully Proficient in Just a Few Hours Find a Course Near Y ...
  10. The Art of Living Happiness Program

    HTML field:    HTML field:  Don’t Settle for Happy-ish Unlock the Freedom Within Experience a mix of yoga, breathing exercises, meditation and practical wisdom on the Art of Living Happiness Program Find a Course Near You HTML field:  “Life Changing” “May ...